There are a number of financial assistance programs available to companies investing in our region.  These programs are available from different levels of government and organizations.

  • Prescott-Russell Entrepreneurship Centre: The Prescott Russell Entrepreneurship Centre was formed in recognition that small and medium enterprises are the backbone of Ontario’s economy and create jobs, innovation and prosperity. They help small business owners and entrepreneurs succeed in the counties of Prescott -Russell by offering information, tools and support during your start-up and growth stages of business operation.
  • Prescott-Russell Community Development Corporation: The Prescott-Russell Community Development Corporation is a support agency for local economic development in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell.  Through an investment fund, they offer high-risk funding to small and medium-sized businesses in the form of loans, loan guarantees and share capital. They support and encourage all job creation and enhancement initiatives.
  • Eastern Ontario Development Fund – Ministry of Economic Development: The Eastern Ontario Economic Development Fund is a four year, $80 million fund designed to help businesses create new jobs, and invest in new technologies, equipment or skills training for workers. It will also support economic development projects that will attract or retain investment in Ontario-based industries and communities.
  • Rural Economic Development (RED) Program: Ontario’s economic landscape is changing. With globalization, we are beyond competing with businesses and communities down the road; we now compete with those around the world. We also know that rural Ontario is changing; it’s becoming more complex and diverse, and faces unique challenges. These include a declining population in some areas, an aging workforce, skills shortages and out-migration of youth. We also know that to compete in the 21st century knowledge-based economy, we must do things differently. We must become more innovative and flexible.
  • Francophone Community Grants Program: The ministry of Francophone Affairs allocated a funding envelope of one million dollars to the 2019-2020 Francophone Community Grants Program to continue to support local cultural and community initiatives across the province. The program is divided into two streams: the Community and Culture Stream and the Economic Development Stream. The deadline to apply is Monday, August 19, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. For more information click here.

Benjamin Bercier

Manager of Economic Development and Tourism

613-764-5444 ext 236