The installation of swimming pools within the Nation Municipality requires a permit at a cost of $200, which includes a $100 deposit refundable once a final inspection has been completed. A permit can be obtained through the Building Department. A plan is required. Temporary pools and hot tubs are not covered in this by-law and do not require a permit.
Pool Permit ApplicationP.S. “To ensure security, chain link fencing is not recommended.”
P.S. “To ensure security, chain link fencing is not recommended.”
For general and special conditions, specifications and regulations relating to the Entrance Culvert Installation, and to fill our the appropriate form, please follow this link.
Information & FormLocation plans shall be drawn to scale, be legible, and indicate the nature and extent of the work in sufficient detail to establish that the completed work will conform to the applicable law.
What is a Building Permit?
A Building Permit is a license that grants legal permission to start construction of a building project. All permit applications must be approved by Todd Bayly.
Always verify with the Building Department before starting a project. Building Permits are typically required for the following:
Permits ensure that construction within our Municipality meets with standards set out in the Ontario Building Code. The enforcement of standards is necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.
When applying for a building permit you will be required to submit certain documents with your application. These documents are essential in assisting the Building Official in properly reviewing your application for a Building Permit
The list below is a guide to assist you in obtaining your building permit. The nature of your application will determine which of the listed documents are required by the municipality. For example, documents required for a Single Family Dwelling or a garden shed will vary accordingly.
Type of documents that can be required:
Plans shall be drawn to scale, be legible, and indicate the nature and extent of the work or proposed occupancy in sufficient detail to establish that the completed work will conform to the Building Code and any other applicable law.
A location plan is essentially a graphic representation of the property showing the location of the proposed construction in relation with the property lines. For further assistance on preparing your location plan, please contact the Municipal Planner. (Guylain Lafleche extension 229)
*Some projects may require the visit of a representative from the Building and Planning Department
The Permit fee is based on the size of the construction project. Additional fees may include development charges, service connection charges, performance deposits and/or others.
Please find below Class of Permit, Base Fee and Additional Cost.
1- Residential Dwellings Units
2- Residential Dwellings moved from elsewhere & Mobile Homes
3- Residential Additions and Major Alterations
4- Residential Garage and Carports
4.1- Accessory Buildings, Decks and Minor Alterations
5- Institutional, Commercial and Assembly Buildings
6- Industrial Buildings
7- Commercial Warehouse and Accessory Building
8- Additions and Major Alterations (Other than Residential Buildings)
9- Farms Buildings
10- Accessory Farm Buildings (Other than those listed below)
11- Fabric Covered Structures
12- Greenhouses
13- Lagoons
13.1- Silos
14- Plumbing
15- Solid Fuel Burning Appliances
16- Designated Structures, except solar panel: Residential Use
16.1- Designated Structures, except solar panel: Non-Residential Use
16.2- Designated Structures, solar panel: Residential Use
16.3- Designated Structures, solar panel: Non-Residential Use
17- Demolition Permit
18- Temporary Permit
18.1- Special Events Permits (Tents)
19- Change of Use Permit
20- Transfer of Permit (Under Section 11.3)
21- Renewal of Permit (Under Section 10)
22- Conditional Permit Agreement
Cost of the full permit according to class
23- Pools
24- Wood Stove
*Please note that a service fee may be applicable for municipal water and sewer connections. Please contact Nicole Paquette for more information.
A performance deposit or “bond” is charged for each permit issued. The amount of that deposit is based on the value of the building project. The full amount of the deposit is refunded if the project is completed within 1 year of the date the permit was issued. After that period, and without any further notice, an amount equal to 25% of the original deposit is retained for administrative purposes each year thereafter. To avoid frustration and delays, please call for all inspections. Please note that if the owner or agent abandons their project prior to the issuance of the building permit the administration performance deposit shall be retained in full by the municipality.
Building Permit Application & Location Plan ApplicationThe role of the Planning and Forestry Department of Prescott and Russell is to manage the land use of the United Counties’ territory while ensuring effective and respectful environmental planning. Follow the link below to access the development application.
Development ApplicationPlanning on lighting an outdoor fire? Take a look at the Open Air Burning By-Law 84-2004.
If you intend to light an outdoor fire with a flame base larger than 1 square metre, you must obtain a fire permit beforehand.
Please complete this fire permit application form:
If granted, the permit is valid only for the time and place specified above and the permit must be kept at the site and made available for inspection by the Fire Chief or Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. If, upon inspection of the fire, the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or Fire Chief is satisfied that the fire poses a danger to health or safety of any person or property the Officer or Chief can cancel or suspend the permit and order the fire extinguished and, if assistance from the fire department is necessary for the purpose of removing such condition, the owner of the land shall be charged the cost incurred.
Once the completed application form is received by the Municipality, a By-law Enforcement Officer will visit the intended location to ensure that the fire can be lit safely and that the intended location conforms to the terms of the By-law. The Officer may issue the permit, issue the permit with conditions, or refuse to issue the permit. Please allow 48 hours for an application to be processed.
The By-law Enforcement Officer will refuse to issue a fire permit under one or more of the following conditions:
There is a fee of $25 for the permit. Payment can be made in person at The Nation’s office or you can send a check by mail. The applicant will receive a fire permit that must be present at the location of the fire while the fire is burning. Before lighting the fire, the applicant must telephone 1-888-870-8883 to advise the fire dispatch centre that they will be lighting a fire for which a permit has been issued. The dispatch centre will have already received a copy of the permit from the By-law Enforcement Officer.
Whether a fire permit is required or not, it is prohibited to burn the following:
FEE: Fire permits are $25.00 for one month.
For more information, please contact Nicole Paquette at 613-764-5444, extension 260
Section 206 makes it an indictable offence to participate in a lottery scheme in any manner. However, Section 207 provides an exemption for charitable and religious organizations to organize lotteries, provided that they are issued a license by the appropriate provincial authority.
Municipalities have the authority to issue licenses for the majority of lotteries in their communities, including bingo licenses up to a $5,500 prize board, raffles up to $50,000, and most break open ticket lotteries.
The following questions may be used to help assess the eligibility of the organization applying for a lottery license:
If none of the above, the organization’s objectives should not be considered charitable.
*Entertainment Standards Branch, Lottery Licensing Policy Manual
Consult the Events, Definitions, Terms and Conditions, Application and Report forms and municipal licensing.
A fundraising sale of goods, typically for charity, which may include any combination of the following lotteries:
$10.00 per wheel per day
Bingo: 3% of proposed prize
Raffle: 3% of proposed prize
A game in which players mark off numbers on cards as the numbers are drawn randomly by a caller, the winner being the first person to mark off five numbers in a row or another required pattern.
3% of proposed prize
A break open ticket is a device made of cardboard with perforated-cover window tabs behind which are symbols revealed by tearing open the cover tab. The winning combination of symbols appear on the back of the ticket.
3% of proposed prize
A means of raising money by selling numbered tickets, one or some of which are subsequently drawn at random, the holder or holders of such tickets winning a prize. Types of raffles include 50/50 draws, elimination draws, calendar draws, sports raffles and rubber duck races.
3% of proposed prize
A blanket raffle license allows eligible organizations to obtain a single lottery license to conduct and manage more than one type of raffle event within a fixed time period and from one location, with a capped total prize amount of $5,000.
3% of proposed prize
To apply for a lottery license, please complete the application form and send it to the following address:
The Nation Municipality
958 Route 500 West
Casselman ON K0A 1M0
What happens next?
Please complete the report form and mail or deliver in person to The Nation Municipality within 30 days after the event has taken place.
For more information
Please visit the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario’s website.
For more information, please see Section 206 and 207 of the Criminal Code.
With a few exceptions, if you intend to install a sign larger than 0.28 square metres (3 square feet) you must first obtain a sign permit from the Municipality.
Signs By-Law 22-2018Fill out the application form:
Please note: issuance of this sign permit does not relieve the applicant from the responsibility of obtaining a building permit or any other necessary approvals
Please note that the performance deposit will be refunded once the sign is installed in compliance with the permit.
The application will be verified by the following departments;
The Sign By-law prohibits the placement of signs on public road easements, on public property under the jurisdiction of the municipality, or by nailing, riveting, screwing or drilling holes into posts on public property.
If you intend to install a sign within the road allowance of a county road, you will be required to include written permission from the United Counties of Prescott & Russell with your application.
With a few exceptions, all signs must be at least 3 metres (10 feet) from a public road allowance and 1.5 metres (5 feet) from adjacent property lines.
Except for the company name, all contents of new commercial signs must be bilingual. The dimensions and style of lettering must be identical in English and French.
The Sign By-law prohibits the following content:
The Noise By-law allows the granting of exemptions for specified time periods up to six months in duration by resolution of the Municipal Council. Persons wishing to obtain an exemption must submit an application to the Municipality. Before deciding on whether to grant the exemption, Council will give the applicant as well as any person opposed to the exemption an opportunity to be heard. Council may also grant an exemption with certain terms and conditions attached that must be respected.
Noise is defined as unwanted sound or sounds likely to disturb the inhabitants of The Nation Municipality.
Before filling the parade request form, please submit the following documents to :
For more information, please contact the Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement, Mario Hautcoeur, at 613-764-5444 extension 223
Would you like to set off fireworks for a special occasion? Request an exemption to the fireworks by-law by completing the following form. A Municipal By-law Officer will contact you within 3 business days.
If you are hosting a special event where display fireworks will be discharged, you must apply for a permit a minimum of 30 days before the event.
Fee: $25.00, payable upon the receipt of invoice.
Necessary documents :
Visit Service Ontario for more information on registered marriage officiants in Ontario.
In order to apply for a marriage licence, you must schedule an appointment with the Clerk or Deputy Clerk. While it is recommended that both partners be present at the appointment, it is not required.
Both partners will need to supply the following documentation:
Once issued, the marriage licence will be valid for 3 months and anywhere in Ontario.
The fee for the marriage licence is $140.00. We accept Interac and cash only.
The Province of Ontario has extended the expiry date for most marriage licences issued during the States of emergencies, as declared by the province. For more information, please visit Service Ontario.
If you need a replacement licence, please schedule an appointment with the Clerk or Deputy Clerk.
Did you know that The Nation Municipality offers refunds for parents of newborns who purchased washable diapers? This is done in an effort to reduce the amount of garbage sent to our landfills.
We have a total of 20 refunds to give away per year!
Apply today by filling out this application form:
Note :
If you wish to use The Nation Municipality’s logo, please read the Policy AD-COM-01-2019 and fill out the empty boxes. Once the form is complete, please send it to Josée Brizard.
The Nation Municipality strives to promote activities that will enhance the cultural, social, economic well-being of the community. For this reason, the Council of The Nation Municipality is committed to receive and treat all request for financial assistance in a consistent and equitable manner. For more information, please follow this link to the By-laws and policy page to consult the Municipal Donations Policy.
Donation Request FormNotifications