Photo d'un plan de construction

Duties of the Public Works Department

The Municipality is committed to providing the highest level of quality services to the residents of The Nation Municipality.

Marc Legault

Director of Public Works

613-524-2932 ext. 202


Eric Leroux

Drainage Superintendent



Joanne Bougie-Normand

Assistant to the Public Works Director

613-524-2932 ext. 207


Louise Borris

Accountant Clerk, Public Works

613-524-2932 ext. 200

The Public Works Department is comprised of 7 services with the following duties:

  • Road System
  • Water & Sewer
  • Street Lighting
  • Recreation Parks
  • Municipal Drains
  • Tile Drainage Program

The Municipality is committed to providing the highest level of quality services to the residents of The Nation Municipality.

Public Works is responsible for the maintenance, rehabilitation, and new implementation of all roads and roads-related public infrastructure (roads, bridges, storm sewers, stormwater management ponds, street lighting, and roadway cycling facilities, sidewalks, boat ramps and parking lots).  Public Works has recently been put in charge of the maintenance of recreation parks within the municipality.

The Municipality operates two water systems for the residents into the Villages of St-Isidore and Limoges and operates wastewater systems in five communities such as Limoges, St-Albert, St-Isidore, Fournier and St-Bernardin.

There are over 230 municipal drains under the Municipality’s care.  Physically, a municipal drain is simply a drainage system. Municipal drains were constructed to improve the drainage of agricultural land by serving as the discharge point for private agricultural tile drainage systems.  However, they also remove excess water collected by roadside ditches, residential lots in rural areas. Without them, many areas of the province would be subjected to regular flooding, reduced production from agricultural land and increased public health risks.

The Tile Drainage Program is announced yearly by the Ministry for the continuation of the program term. It allows municipalities to sell debentures to the Province to fund the installation of tile drainage on private agricultural land. A Ministry policy limits the amount of loan available to a farmer each year.



Please note that we accept applications for permits to fill ditches in front of residential properties.  For more information, call us at 613-524-2932



Two employees installing a watermain.

Watermain Between Cheney and Limoges

This project will ensure that the water system of the City of Clarence-Rockland will extend south, from the Cheney water tower to the Limoges distribution system, located in The Nation Municipality.

AUGUST 4TH 2021 – The Nation Municipality and the City of Clarence Rockland will be constructing a new water transmission main from the elevated tower in Cheney to the water treatment plant in Limoges.  Please consult the Construction Notice for details.  Thank you.

AUGUST 26TH 2020 – Historic Agreement.  The Municipalities of Clarence-Rockland and The Nation are going ahead with the drinking water distribution project.  Please click here for details.  

SEPTEMBER 10TH 2021 – PROJECT UPDATE – New Water Main in Limoges.  We are excited to share with you this project update: the first length of the new water main that will bring water from Cheney (Clarence-Rockland) to Limoges has been installed along Indian Creek Road!  Follow us for more updates.

OCTOBER 5TH, 2021 – Work is going well on the new water pipe between Cheney and Limoges. The project consists of installing approximately 10 km of water pipe between the Cheney water tower, along Indian Creek Road, and the existing Nation water treatment plant, on Limoges road, in Limoges. . Construction began in September 2021 and is expected to be completed in spring 2022. Costs are estimated at $ 10 million.

DECEMBER 17TH, 2021 : The new watermain connecting the Cheney water tower to the Limoges distribution system is now installed. Please consult the press release.

Employés procèdent au pavage d'un chemin


The Nation maintains approximately 500 km of roads, 16,7 km of sidewalks, 46 km of storm sewers, 822 street lights and 47 structures including 26 bridges and 21 big culverts that cross rivers and drains.

The Public Works office is located at :

GARAGE  –  FOURNIER    /  Satellite Office

3248 County Road 9

Fournier, Ontario  K0B 1G0

Tel:  613-524-2932     /     Fax:   613-524-1140



Daniel Desforges

Lead Man – East Sector

613-524-2932 ext. 204


Gérard Bourgon

Foreman – East Sector

613-524-2932 ext. 203


Hugo Pouliot

Team Lead Parks and Road Safety



Gabriel Gagné

Lead Man – West Sector

613-443-1425 ext. 302


Martin Beaudin

Foreman – West Sector

613-443-1425 ext. 302


Responsibilities of the Road Department includes:

Operational Maintenance,  Construction, Traffic, Signs, Sidewalks and Future Plans
All roads under the jurisdiction
Traffic Signs & Traffic Control
Road Ditching and Culverts
Road Construction Projects
Storm Sewers
Snow clearing and Removal
Street Lighting
Frequently asked questions
Capital Budget


The Roads department is divided into TWO sectors:

WEST SECTOR – Includes the Villages of Limoges, St-Albert and the area surrounding the Village of Casselman, subdivisions: Forest Park, Cambridge Forest Estate, Séguinbourg.

EAST SECTOR –  Includes the Villages of St-Isidore, St-Bernardin, Fournier, Riceville and part of Pendleton which includes the rural areas of Caledonia Springs, Routier, St-Bernardin Vankleek Hill, Dunvegan and McCrimmon.


Seasonal Services

  • The annual Spring Sweeping Program scheduled at the beginning of May, consists of sweeping streets and municipal parkings in the Villages to remove sand and debris accumulated over the winter. This prevents materials from clogging the storm sewers, as well as provides a safe and clean driving surface.
  • Mowing – The roadsides are mowed starting mid-June up to the end of August
  • Calcium – The spreading of gravel and calcium for the dust-layer is usually done at the beginning of summer.
  • Graveling –   The spreading of gravel (graveling) will begin immediately after the removal of half loads in regards to the seasonal load restriction and then the calcium is ongoing.
  • Culvert & Ditching  –   Any ditching needed is performed by the roads department.
  • Clear the brush and trim the trees along the side of the roads if needed.
Photo d'un plan de construction

Duties of the Public Works Department

The Municipality is committed to providing the highest level of quality services to the residents of The Nation Municipality.

Snow removal

Winter conditions can affect both pedestrians and motorists. The main objective of The Nation Municipality is to properly manage snow and ice conditions in order to allow residents to move efficiently and safely on sidewalks, parking lots and roads within The Nation. during the winter season.

The municipality is responsible for spreading sand and salt, and removing snow from roads and sidewalks. The team studies the weather conditions and establishes an action plan before a major snowfall. The action plan may include a road patrol or a request to send winter maintenance equipment to a specific area. Weather conditions vary from region to region and are unique in themselves. Extreme conditions and prolonged snowfalls make clearing the roads more difficult and slower despite the efforts of the snow removal team. Each snowstorm has unique characteristics, which determine the course of action to be implemented. This means that it is difficult to predict the timing of road cleaning. The time of the snow removal service may vary depending on the location and the amount of snow that has fallen specifically at that location.

For safety reasons, it is forbidden to push, move or throw snow on the street, on the sidewalks or on the shoulder of the highway, as described in By-law No. 12-2014.

If your mailbox is damaged by the snowplow, the municipality agrees to reimburse a maximum amount of $50 to the owner following an inspection and approval by the public works supervisor. By-Law No.122-2013.

Photo d'un plan de construction

Duties of the Public Works Department

The Municipality is committed to providing the highest level of quality services to the residents of The Nation Municipality.


  • Chartrand Road – after property #2102
  • Caledonia Road – North sector – County Road #10
  • Concession 11 – between County Road 19 and Robillard
  • Concession 14 – between property #2418 and Villeneuve Road
  • Concession 15 – after property #3700 going West
  • Concession 15 – between  Besner Road and property #5413
  • Concession 16 – between Villeneuve Road and Ste-Rose Road
  • Concession 16 – (East) after property #4313 at Caledonia
  • Dicaire Road (North) Concession 17
  • Johnson’s Ferry Road
  • Pitre Road
  • Renaud Road – from property #4590 at Concession 21
  • River Bank Road – after property #2833 going West
  • Smith’s Ferry Road
  • Ste-Rose Road – between Concession 14 before #3515 Concession 15
  • Villeneuve Road – between Concession 14 before #3567
  • Worley Road



  • Bernique Road
  • Side Road Borris
  • Side Road Bougie
  • Side Road Campbell
  • Concession 3 (West) – ater Claude Duval Road
  • Concession 5 (West) – Bradley Road
  • Concession 6 (East)  – from Caledonia Road
  • Concession 8 – between property #1220 and Highway 417
  • Concession 8 – after Route #31 West at Highway 417
  • Concession 9 (West)  between property #1420 and property #2140
  • Side Road Couture
  • Side Road Dupont
  • Side Road Émile Levac
  • Side Road Gates
  • Side Road Leduc (South) – from property #1031
  • Side Road Méthot
  • Side Road McDonald – after property #121
  • Side Road Réjean Levac
  • Side Road Roger Lalonde
  • Side Road Sandown
  • Side Road Sauvé
  • Side Road Zollinger


  • Side Road Bourgeois
  • Clarence-Cambridge Boundary Road
  • Side Road De la Tour
  • Side Road Forget
  • Side Road Gagné
  • Side Road Jean Noël
  • Side Road Lafrance
  • Route 100 – after property #401
  • Route 800 (West) – between St-Albert et Lafrance Road
  • Pommainville Road- after Parc Innovation Chemin Stamp Road
Photo d'un plan de construction

Duties of the Public Works Department

The Municipality is committed to providing the highest level of quality services to the residents of The Nation Municipality.

The Municipality is committed to providing the highest level of quality services to the residents of The Nation Municipality.

Public Works is responsible for the maintenance, rehabilitation, and new implementation of all roads and roads-related public infrastructure (roads, bridges, storm sewers, stormwater management ponds, street lighting, and roadway cycling facilities, sidewalks, boat ramps and parking lots).      


The Public Works Department is comprised of 7 services with the following duties:

  • Road System
  • Water & Sewer
  • Street Lighting
  • Recreation Parks
  • Municipal Drains
  • Tile Drainage Program


Public Works has recently been put in charge of the maintenance of recreation parks within the municipality.

The Municipality operates two water systems for the residents into the Villages of St-Isidore and Limoges and operates wastewater systems in five communities such as Limoges, St-Albert, St-Isidore, Fournier and St-Bernardin.

There are over 230 municipal drains under the Municipality’s care.  Physically, a municipal drain is simply a drainage system. Municipal drains were constructed to improve the drainage of agricultural land by serving as the discharge point for private agricultural tile drainage systems.  However, they also remove excess water collected by roadside ditches, residential lots in rural areas. Without them, many areas of the province would be subjected to regular flooding, reduced production from agricultural land and increased public health risks.

The Tile Drainage Program is announced yearly by the Ministry for the continuation of the program term. It allows municipalities to sell debentures to the Province to fund the installation of tile drainage on private agricultural land. A Ministry policy limits the amount of loan available to a farmer each year.



Please note that we accept applications for permits to fill ditches in front of residential properties.  For more information, call us at 613-524-2932



Marc Legault

Director of Public Works

613-524-2932 ext. 202


Eric Leroux

Drainage Superintendent



Joanne Bougie-Normand

Assistant to the Public Works Director

613-524-2932 ext. 207


Louise Borris

Accountant Clerk, Public Works

613-524-2932 ext. 200



Traffic control devices include all signs, signals, pavement markings, and devices placed on or adjacent to a road or highway by the road authority, to guide and regulate the action of motorist on public roads. The road authority is the public body that has statutory authority to install and maintain traffic control devices. Road signs are inspected every 12 to 16 months apart to meet the retro-reflectivity requirements.

Third party road signs will not be allowed. All road signs must be produced and installed by the Roads department of Public Works as per the rules and regulation stated in the Highway Traffic Act.  All requests for additional road signs will be evaluated. Requests for specialized road signs will be evaluated and may be granted at the expense of the requestor.   Children at play signs are restricted to school and park areas only.


Roads classified as primary and secondary in the Municipality 

The Municipality is responsible for sanding, salting, plowing and snow removal for all of the Municipalities roads and sidewalks.   Staff reviews the required forecasts and identifies the response needed before the storm hits.  The response may include patrolling the roads or dispatching winter maintenance equipment.  Each snow event is unique and different areas of the Municipality can receive varying amounts of rain, snow, or ice.  Extreme weather and prolonged storms may prevent the roadways from being cleared quickly even with the best efforts of the crews.  The unique characteristics of a storm determine the response actions or approaches to be taken.  This means that the timeline required for the final storm cleanup is difficult to predict in advance.  Where a particular street falls in the operator’s route will affect the timing of the service required

It is prohibited to cross, push, throw, deposit, or dump snow onto any street, sidewalk or on the side of highways in order to avoid incident as per By-Law No. 12-2014.

The damage should result from the snow plough wing or any other part of the snow plough vehicle coming into contact with the mailbox. The Municipality will forfeit a maximum amount of $ 50 to the owner upon inspection and  approval of the Public Works Supervisor. By-Law No.122-2013.

Employés procèdent au pavage d'un chemin


The Nation maintains approximately 500 km of roads, 16,7 km of sidewalks, 46 km of storm sewers, 822 street lights and 47 structures including 26 bridges and 21 big culverts that cross rivers and drains.


Storm water runoff is rainwater that flows across the land and is routed through our drainage systems into our creeks, lakes and wetlands. Urbanization reduces the amount of water that can be absorbed into the ground through the increase of impervious or hard surfaces such as roads, driveways, sidewalks, walkways and patios and roofs. The impervious surfaces increase the amount of storm water runoff flowing into our watercourses that, if left uncontrolled, can result in increased risks to flooding, erosion, watercourse health and aquatic life.

Pond locations in operation:  

  • 2165 and 2170  Savage Street in Limoges
  • 43 South Indian Drive in Limoges
  • 52 Mayer Street in Limoges
  • 20 Giroux Street in Limoges
  • 141 Cayer Street in St-Albert
  • Stormceptor 181 Ottawa Street in Limoges


Residents should follow the following guidelines:

  • Do not swim, wade, skate or boat within the stormwater pond;
  • Exercise safety around storm water ponds as conditions in the ponds can change rapidly which can include fluctuating water levels and thin ice
Employés procèdent au pavage d'un chemin


The Nation maintains approximately 500 km of roads, 16,7 km of sidewalks, 46 km of storm sewers, 822 street lights and 47 structures including 26 bridges and 21 big culverts that cross rivers and drains.

Culvert installation for entrance

Culvert entrance – general and special conditions

  • Headwalls are not permitted.
  • Entrance end treatment shall be a minimum slope of 2:1.
  • Length and diameter of culverts is variable and shall be determined by the Public Works
    Department’s personnel.
  • Entrance top surface width:
    • Single Driveway: Minimum of 6 m to a maximum of 9 m
    • Commercial, Industrial
    and Institutional: Minimum of 9 m to a maximum of 18 m
    ** The sizes can be changed by the Director of Public Works’ approbation.
  • The existing ditch must be prepared by removing a minimum of 100 mm of top soil. The final
    grade for the culvert will be determined by the Public Works Department’s personnel.
  • The edge of the ditch in the area immediately adjacent to the ends of the newly installed culvert
    shall be covered with Granular “A” material or any other material as may be specified by the
    Public Works Department’s personnel taking into consideration existing site conditions.
  • The slope of the ditch shall be designed to prevent erosion and shall be seeded by the owner.
  • Covered road side ditches may be considered provided the Director of Public Works
    Department has approved the design and mode of construction.
  • Public Utilities companies (Bell, Hydro One, Gas, Cables or others) shall be contacted before any
    excavation is carried out along a municipal road or ditch.
  • All inspections must be done before burying the culvert.
  • The visit for an inspection will only be available on week days with a 24 hour notice.
  • Future repairs and rip up are the property owner’s responsibility.

I have read and thoroughly understand the general and special conditions, specifications and
regulations relating to this Entranceway permit application.


Backfill existing ditch – general and special conditions

  • No work is to be performed on the Right of Way without the municipality approval.
  • If only part of front yard drainage is completed, catch basin may be required under 18
    meters (including entranceway). Catch basin may be required to prevent ponding. It is
    at the discretion of the inspector.
  • A minimum of 300 mm of cover and 2% of grade must be built as a swale.
  • Minimum of one (1) catch basin per recorded lot. NOTE: To be determined by the Public
    Works Department.
  • Plastic pipe High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is required with smooth interior wall and
    connection to plastic catch basin. Geotextile must be raped between two pipes
    connections or joints.
  • A maximum of 30 meters (100 feet) spacing between catch basins.
  • All inspections must be done before burying the pipe.
  • The visit for an inspection will only be available on week days with a 24 hour notice.
    Photos shall be forwarded to the department.
  • Future repairs and rip up are the property owner’s responsibility.

I have read and thoroughly understand the general and special conditions, specifications and regulations relating to this Entranceway permit application.


Application for entranceway permit

Please fill out this form. Once completed, submit with the documents below:

Submit Documents
piping system for water filtration

Water and Sewer

Water Sytems

 The Nation Municipality operates two water systems.

  • The Village of Limoges water system is supplied from groundwater wells then treated at the water treatment plant. A reservoir with booster pumps provides pressure to the system for all flows including peak flows and fire protection. The Limoges system has generators and UPS systems in every building in case of any power failures.
  • The Village of St-Isidore water system is supplied from the Lefaivre water treatment plant and then pumped to the water reservoir in St-Isidore. The capacity of the water tower is 950m3 which provides pressure when pumps are off as well as supply during peak hours of usage and fire protection. All buildings are equipped with generators and UPS systems in case of any power failures.

Water Meters

How to read your water meter

Your home may be equipped with one of two models of water meters:  a rotating dial meter or a digital water meter.  To view the numbers on the digital water meter, direct light is required to activate the digital screen. With the use of a flashlight pointed directly on the screen, the screen will be activated and display the numbers of your current water consumption along with the instant flow going through the meter.

Some key information:

The average daily consumption per household (average of 3 people) within our municipality is 192m3 annually.

  • 1 m3 = 1000 litres of water
  • Average daily consumption/household is 520 litres

For more detailed info about utility services and related costs of the Nation’s Municipality, please visit the utilities tab of the Finances’ page.

Your invoice seems high?

There are a number of possible explanations for high consumption:

  • A leak in plumbing fixtures and/or pipes
  • A change in household (such as new tenants, new owners, guests)
  • A result of higher seasonal demands (such as an increase in lawn watering, filling up a pool)
  • Installation of new appliances (dishwasher, hot water tank, lawn sprinkling system)

Our objective is to raise awareness of potential plumbing issue(s) in your residence.  This could result in costly expenditure now that the municipality has switched over to metered consumption of water.  It is important to understand that it is the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain and repair all plumbing inconsistencies.

How to check for leaks

First, you will need to take a reading of your water meter.

  • Check if the toilet seeps: Lift the lid off of the water tank, drop in some food coloring or brewed tea or instant coffee, and come back in 20 minutes.  (Don’t flush the toilet while you are waiting).  If color appears in the toilet bowl it means that the rod-and-ball assembly or flapper needs adjustment or replacement.
  • Check if any faucets leak (drip):  Install a paper towel in the bottom of the sink under the faucet and wait.  If you come back and the paper towel is wet it is an indication that your faucet seal is broken or the faucet is loose.
  • Take a reading before turning in for the night.  Do not use water during the night and then take another reading in the morning before anyone uses water.  The readings should be identical.  This last suggestion could also be done during the day for a couple of hours, as it would be very difficult to do overnight for multiple units’ complex.

Frequently asked water quality questions (FAQ)

Q-What is the water hardness in Limoges

A-295 mg/l Caco3 or 17.5 grains


Q- What is the water hardness in St-Isidore

A-80 mg/l Caco3 or 4.7 grains


Q-What is the quantity of sodium in Limoges water

A-30 mg/l this is slightly higher than the normal average, the normal average is 20 mg/liter.  Ex: V8 tomato juice contains 300mg for 156ml can.


Q-The color of my water is yellow/orange

A-Let the cold water run for about 15 minutes.

If the color disappear it’s because we flushed a fire hydrant

If the color stays call the emergency pager number 1-800-342-6442



The average household in The Nation municipality consists of: 2 adults and 2 children and uses approximately 256 cubic meters a year.


Residential consumption

  • Shower and baths – 35%
  • Toilet flushing – 30%
  • Laundry – 20%
  • Kitchen and drinking – 10%
  • Cleaning  5%


Leaks can be costly.  A continuous leak from a hole of ¼”, over a three month period, wastes 4,475 cubic meters of water.  Most leaks are easy to find and to fix, at very little cost.



A toilet that continues to run after flushing, if the leak is large enough, can waste up to 200 000 liters of water in a single year!

If you are concerned you may have a leak refer to the section How to check for leaks



Keep your grass three inches long (7.5 cm) and it will shade its own roots from the scorching sun and choke out those pesky weeds and dandelions.  It also holds moisture better, reducing watering needs.  Water your lawn and garden in the evening to minimize evaporation.



Install rain barrels!  It can help you lower summer water use and reduce the load on sewers and watercourses.  Rainwater is great for indoor and outdoor plants.  Untreated, it’s soft, free of calcium, lime and chlorine.



Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.  Running water wastes about 19 liters a minute.  Shorten your shower by 1 to 2 minutes.  You will save up to 550 liters per month.


Did you know?

Reduced water use can help save electricity.  Electricity is required to process and distribute water; so when less water is consumed, less electricity is used as well.

For more tips on water conservations visit:



Fire Hydrants Testing for public safety

Residents may detect colored water and loss in water pressure during the testing of a hydrant in your area.  It is recommended to avoid drinking or using the washing machine with colored water .  While it is NOT harmful to your health, it can stain laundry.

  • Reduced water pressure should only be intermittent as the hydrants are being tested; the pressure will return to normal once the flow test is complete.
  • If you detect colored water, turn on the cold water tap for a few minutes to flush the system as this is only temporary due to sedimentation in the water main distribution system.

The ongoing maintenance program is designed to ensure that our hydrants are ready should they be needed by the Fire Department.  Testing ensures that the hydrants are in full working order and verifies their flow capacities.  This maintenance procedure is routine, but may result in temporary inconveniences.





The following websites offer well and septic tank owners information about the legal requirements of well and septic tank owners and contractors or technicians who work at the construction of a water well.  Other useful information regarding chloramination and sampling recommended by the Ministry of Health can also be found through these information resources.

Government of Ontario:

Eastern Ontario Health Unit:



Wastewater operations are managed by employees of the Nation Municipality. Operators of wastewater systems remove harmful pollutants from domestic liquid waste and allow water to return to the environment safely and according to the standards of Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.

  • Fournier / St-Bernadin
    • The villages of Fournier and St-Bernardin have a community septic field.
  • St-Isidore
    • The village of St-Isidore has a wastewater lagoon located on Bourgon Road.
  • Limoges
    • The village of Limoges and the Forest Park region share a wastewater lagoon located on County Road 500.
  • St-Albert
    • The village of St-Albert has a wastewater lagoon located on County Road 400.

The sewer systems are made up from a series of gravity sloped pipes in each community. These pipes are connected to pumping stations which then pump the sewage to the municipal lagoon.  As the sewage enters the lagoon it is injected with aluminum sulphate to remove phosphorus and settle out solid matter which improves the clarity of the wastewater.

The lagoons are aerated to remove gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphide and increases the oxygen level in the wastewater to reduce the biological oxygen demand which through this process meets the COA requirements to ensure the wastewater is safe for discharging. Semi-annual basis for Limoges to the Castor River, annual basis for St-Albert to the Nation River and St-Isidore to the Scotch River.  Fournier and St-Bernardin villages are on communal septic systems.



Q-There is a strong sewer odor in the house:  

A-Check all floor drains to ensure that the water is present to prevent sewer odor from returning back into the house. Also make sure that all air vents connected to sanitary pipes are free and clear from debris.


Q-What NOT to flush down the toilet

Very few items should be flushed down the toilet.  Remember to only flush human waste and toilet paper!  Flushing certain items can result in a back-up of the sewer line into your home or create problems at the Municipality’s wastewater treatment facility.

What should never be flushed down the toilet?

  • Food grease/fat
  • Condoms
  • Sanitary products
  • Tampons
  • Diapers
  • Personal care wipes/baby wipes
  • Cotton swabs
  • Hair
  • Dental floss
  • Old medicines

Q-Why are “flushables” not allowed to be disposed of down the toilet?

While products may be advertised as “flushable”, in reality items such as baby wipes, makeup remover cloths and disinfectant wipes do not decompose in the sanitary sewer system.  Flushing this material causes damage to the sewer system and may cause sewer backups in your home.  Flushables should be disposed of in the garbage.



Storm water runoff is rainwater that flows across the land and is routed through our drainage systems into our creeks, lakes and wetlands. Urbanization reduces the amount of water that can be absorbed into the ground through the increase of impervious or hard surfaces such as roads, driveways, sidewalks, walkways and patios and roofs. The impervious surfaces increase the amount of stormwater runoff flowing into our watercourses that, if left uncontrolled, can result in increased risks to flooding, erosion, watercourse health and aquatic life.



Pond locations in operation:  

  • 2165 and 2170  Savage Street in Limoges
  • 43 South Indian Drive in Limoges
  • 52 Mayer Street in Limoges
  • 20 Giroux Street in Limoges
  • 141 Cayer Street in St-Albert
  • Stormceptor 181 Ottawa Street in Limoges


Residents should follow the following guidelines:

  • Do not swim, wade, skate or boat within the stormwater pond;
  • Exercise safety around storm water ponds as conditions in the ponds can change rapidly which can include fluctuating water levels and thin ice



  • 24 Machabee in the Village of St-Albert
  • Intersection of County Road 9 and Concession 12
  • 1301 Lacroix Road in the area of Casselman

Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: What is the procedure to request a road ditch clean-out?

A: Contact the Roads department by phone or email with the location of the ditch. An assessment will be completed by the Roads department.


Q: Who is responsible for covering the costs of the road ditch clean-out?

A: The Municipality will cover the cost if the ditch incapability to properly drain affects the municipal road. If the ditch is not a road issue and under the Municipality’s responsibility, the clean-out will be completed at the owner’s expense.


Q: What are the steps to replace your entrance culvert ?

A: The applicant will have to complete a permit application form and submit it with a payment of 125$ to the Public Works department.

  1. A Public Works representative will go on site to assess the request.
  2. The permit is issued, work can now begin.
  3. Once the work on the culvert is complete, the Public Works representative must make a final inspection.
  4. A permit is valid for a period of 8 months, if the work hasn’t been completed during that period, the permit must be renewed.

For more information, refer to By-Law No. 49-2006.


Q: What are the steps to cross a pipe through the road (road cut) ?

A:  The applicant must complete a permit application form and submit it with a payment of 125$ to the Public Works department.

  1. Once a permit is issued, a security deposit between $500 and $2 000 will be held for a period of one (1) year.
  2. Two inspections must be performed by the Public Works’ Road department.

For more information, refer to By-Law No. 48-2006.


Q: Ditch alteration: What are the steps for ditch filling?

A:  The applicant will have to complete a permit application form and submit it with a payment of 125$ to the Public Works department.

  1. A Public Works representative will go on site to assess the request.
  2. The permit is issued, work can now begin.
  3. Once the work on the culvert is complete, the Public Works representative must make a final inspection.
  4. A permit is valid for a period of 8 months, if the work hasn’t been completed during that period, the permit must be renewed.

For more information, refer to By-Law No. 49-2006.


Q: What should I do if I want to report a burned street light or broken post?

A: Report the location of the required repairs to the Municipality Satellite office by contacting them by phone: 613-524-2932 or

Head office at 613-764-5444.


Q: Will you replace the mailbox after damage?

A: The Municipality will replace mailboxes damaged by the snow plough wing or any part of the snow plough vehicle up to a maximum of $ 50. For more information refer to By-Law No. 122-2013.


Drain municipal vu d'un pont, ciel bleu

Municipal Drains

The drainage department includes 230 municipal drains within the municipality.

The drainage department includes 230 municipal drains within the municipality.

Perhaps you’ve just purchased property, and been told by your municipality that you are assessed into a municipal drain. Perhaps you have owned a property for a couple of years and have recently discovered that you are located in the watershed of a municipal drain. You’re probably wondering, what does this mean? How does it affect me? What will it cost?


Physically, What is a Municipal Drain?

Physically, a municipal drain is simply a drainage system. Most municipal drains are either ditches or closed systems such as pipes or tiles buried in the ground. They can also include structures such as dykes or berms, pumping stations, buffer strips, grassed waterways, stormwater detention ponds, culverts and bridges. Even some creeks and small rivers are now considered to be municipal drains. Municipal drains are primarily located in rural agricultural areas of the province.

Figure 1. Plan of a Municipal Drain.

The Purpose of Municipal Drains

Municipal drains have been a fixture of rural Ontario’s infrastructure since the 1800’s. Most municipal drains were constructed to improve the drainage of agricultural land by serving as the discharge point for private agricultural tile drainage systems. However, they also remove excess water collected by roadside ditches, residential lots, churches, schools, industrial lands, commercial lands and any other properties in rural areas. They are a vital component of the local infrastructure. Without them, many areas of the province would be subjected to regular flooding, reduced production from agricultural land and increased public health risks.

Municipal Infrastructure – Once a municipal drain has been constructed under the authority of a by-law, it becomes part of that municipality’s infrastructure. The local municipality, through its drainage superintendent, is responsible for repairing and maintaining the municipal drain. In certain circumstances, the municipality can be held liable for damages for not maintaining these drains.

Any landowner who is assessed in a municipal drain may submit a request for drain cleaning, the removal of beaver dams, or any debris that may obstruct in the municipal drain.

For information about drainage here is a link to the Ontario Ministry of Food and Rural Affairs web page.



Éric Leroux, Leroux Consulting, 613) 524-2932

To request maintenance on a municipal drain, please fill out the form below.


Request for a maintenance on a Municipal Drain

Civic Address(Required)
In the former Township of:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY




Sand and salt are mixed to keep the roads clean and safe.  Given the environmental concerns regarding road salt, The Nation Municipality has developed this Salt Management Plan. This will address growing concerns about the effect road salt is having on our natural environment and, at the same time, continue to provide for road safety by better managing our use of salt.

Salt Management Plan


Tile Drainage

In agriculture, tile drainage is a practice that removes excess water from soil subsurface.

The Tile Loan Program

Landowners in a municipality in Ontario planning to install a tile drainage system on their agricultural land are eligible for a tile loan under this program.

All tile loans have 10-year terms, and repayments are made annually. Landowners are eligible for a loan of up to 75% of the value of the tile drainage work, but the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and the local municipality may have policies that further restrict the total dollar amount of any loan in any given year. The provincial government sets the program interest rate at a competitive level. This rate is fixed for the full term of the loan, regardless of changes in market interest rates. The interest rate is calculated annually, not semi-annually, as is done by most financial institutions. Check with your local municipality for more information on current tile loan policies and interest rates.

The application process is quite simple. Loan application forms, available at your municipality, must be submitted to the municipal council. Once council approves the application, the owner arranges to have the work completed by a licensed tile drainage contractor (for more information on licensing, see the OMAFRA Factsheet Agricultural Drainage Licensing, Order No. 01-063). The municipality will inspect the work and may charge a fee for this inspection. Once a month, the municipality prepares loan documents to send to OMAFRA in the amount of all the loans for that month. After processing these documents, OMAFRA issues a cheque to the municipality, which distributes the loan funds to each individual applicant.

The municipality collects the loan repayments from the owner and remits them to OMAFRA. Defaulted payments are rare but are treated in the same manner as unpaid taxes.

The loan can be repaid in full at any time. Contact your municipality to find out the amount still owing at the time of your proposed payout date.


  1. The requestor should make sure that there is sufficient outlet for the tile drainage installation before the application process.
  2. Get an estimate from an Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs certified contractor.
  3. Complete and submit an application form to the Nation’s Municipality.
  4. The application will be presented and considered by the Council of the municipality. Make sure that your taxes payment is up to date.
  5. The application will be Declined or Approved, if approved, the applicant may start with the installation.
  6. The Municipality should be notified immediately after the tiles are installed by calling at 613-524-2932. An inspection of the work must be performed before the field is worked.
  7. The applicant must provide the original invoice and field plan to the municipality.
  8. The municipality will proceed with the request through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
  9. The applicant will receive a payment schedule along with the loan for accounting purposes.


If you wish to apply for the Tile Loan Program, please contact the Municipality’s Satellite office.


Satellite Office

3248 County Road 9

Fournier, ON  K0B 1G0

TEL: 613-524-2932

FAX: 613-524-1140


Have you noticed a problem with a street light??

Street lights are inspected on a monthly basis.  At times, streetlights can fail to turn on or they don’t turn off. We appreciate your assistance in reporting any of these malfunctions.

When reporting a streetlight problem, please include as much information as possible, here’s the kind of information we’ll need:

  • closest street address
  • pole number (located on the pole just above eye level)
  • details about the problem (light stays on during the day, light is out, light cycles on and off)
  • visible damage to the pole or light

Report the location of the required repairs to the Municipality Satellite office by contacting them by phone: 613-524-2932 or Head office at 613-764-5444. Toll free n# 1-800-475-2855


Photo d'un plan de construction


Every year the Public Works Department assesses urgent matters, repairs and plans for new constructions according to the yearly allocated budget.

Every year the Public Works Department assesses urgent matters, repairs and plans for new constructions according to the yearly allocated budget. The municipality will review all construction requests received before the end of the first quarter of the year. Projects mandated for the year will be scheduled in August and work will be performed up to the end of October.



To view the list of the 2021 projects, please click here.  (You will find in red the infrastructure projects that were paid for by the Government of Canada through the transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues under the new deal for cities and communities.)



  • East sector:
    • 1500 metres of paving on Skye Road;
    • 2500 metres of paving on St-Isidore Road;
    • 75 metres Curbs on Ste-Catherine Street;
    • 1200 metres of paving on Bourbon Road;
    • 1500 metres to rebuild base on Concession 9 (West)
  • West sector:
    • 1500 metres of paving 3 loops in Cambridge Forest Estates;
    • 130 metres of paving & 300 metres curbs on Dolorès Street
    • 1200 metres of paving on St-Paul S. Street
    • 2000 metres of chip and seal on Route 500 East


  • 24 Machabee in the Village of St-Albert
  • Intersection of County Road 9 and Concession 12
  • 1301 Lacroix Road in the area of Casselman


Inquires and Complaints

You have questions? Or wish to submit a complaint?

If you wish to submit a request or a complaint, please send us an email    



Culvert installation for entrance

Culvert entrance – general and special conditions

  • Headwalls are not permitted.
  • Entrance end treatment shall be a minimum slope of 2:1.
  • Length and diameter of culverts is variable and shall be determined by the Public Works
    Department’s personnel.
  • Entrance top surface width:
    • Single Driveway: Minimum of 6 m to a maximum of 9 m
    • Commercial, Industrial
    and Institutional: Minimum of 9 m to a maximum of 18 m
    ** The sizes can be changed by the Director of Public Works’ approbation.
  • The existing ditch must be prepared by removing a minimum of 100 mm of top soil. The final
    grade for the culvert will be determined by the Public Works Department’s personnel.
  • The edge of the ditch in the area immediately adjacent to the ends of the newly installed culvert
    shall be covered with Granular “A” material or any other material as may be specified by the
    Public Works Department’s personnel taking into consideration existing site conditions.
  • The slope of the ditch shall be designed to prevent erosion and shall be seeded by the owner.
  • Covered road side ditches may be considered provided the Director of Public Works
    Department has approved the design and mode of construction.
  • Public Utilities companies (Bell, Hydro One, Gas, Cables or others) shall be contacted before any
    excavation is carried out along a municipal road or ditch.
  • All inspections must be done before burying the culvert.
  • The visit for an inspection will only be available on week days with a 24 hour notice.
  • Future repairs and rip up are the property owner’s responsibility.

I have read and thoroughly understand the general and special conditions, specifications and
regulations relating to this Entranceway permit application.


Backfill existing ditch – general and special conditions

  • No work is to be performed on the Right of Way without the municipality approval.
  • If only part of front yard drainage is completed, catch basin may be required under 18
    meters (including entranceway). Catch basin may be required to prevent ponding. It is
    at the discretion of the inspector.
  • A minimum of 300 mm of cover and 2% of grade must be built as a swale.
  • Minimum of one (1) catch basin per recorded lot. NOTE: To be determined by the Public
    Works Department.
  • Plastic pipe High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is required with smooth interior wall and
    connection to plastic catch basin. Geotextile must be raped between two pipes
    connections or joints.
  • A maximum of 30 meters (100 feet) spacing between catch basins.
  • All inspections must be done before burying the pipe.
  • The visit for an inspection will only be available on week days with a 24 hour notice.
    Photos shall be forwarded to the department.
  • Future repairs and rip up are the property owner’s responsibility.

I have read and thoroughly understand the general and special conditions, specifications and regulations relating to this Entranceway permit application.


Application for entranceway permit

Please fill out this form. Once completed, submit with the documents below:

Submit Documents
Photo d'un plan de construction

Construction Projects

The list of the 2021 projects.  (The infrastructure projects that were paid for by the Government of Canada through the transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues under the new deal for cities and communities.)

  • Route 300 East
  • Concession 10
  • Concession 11
  • Concession 17 West
  • Skye Road
  • Route 700 East
  • Séguinbourg Road
  • Boundary Road
  • Montée Gagnon
  • Sidewalk of the St-Albert bridge
  • Baker Road: Paving of 1km (From property #1214 to the train track)
  • Route 700 East: Paving of 2.1km (From the train track to property #37)
  • Theatre Road: 2.1km (From Route 500 West to property #1136)
  • Concession 4: 1.35km paving (From Hunter Road to property #421)
  • Concession 20: Paving of 1.7km (From Ste-Rose Road to property #3946)




  1. Concession 10: Paving 2,200 metres.  Boundary Road (50% cost sharing with Twp. of Alfred-Plantagenet).  County Road 9 going west.
  2. Concession 20: Paving 2,300 metres.  County Road 8 going east up to Ste-Rose Road.  Note : Project paid by Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF) :  – $340 375  (total cost project =  $ 366 255 )
  3. Gauthier Street: sidewalks north side 200 metres.  Between Ste-Catherine Street and Caledonia Road Village St- Isidore.
  4. Sabourin Street:  Paving and curbs 130 metres.  Between Ste-Catherine Street and Champlain Street Village St-Isidore.



  1. Des Pins Street : Paving: 1000 metres.  Limoges Road up to South Indian Drive.  Note : Project paid by Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF) :  $65,832  (total cost project = $186 168 )
  2. Racette Sideroad: gravel road into paving 650 metres.  Des Pins Street going north.
  3. Savage Street : granular  150 metres.  Boulevard Bourdeau going East
  4. Lavergne: paving.  Between Route 800 East and County Road 7
  5. Drouin Sideroad: Paving 1,500 metres.  Route 400 East to Route 500 East

2021 Projects

To view the list of the 2021 projects, please click here.  (You will find in red the infrastructure projects that were paid for by the Government of Canada through the transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues under the new deal for cities and communities.)

Man's index pointing at tablet with dollar sign

Cost Sharing for Roads Policy

From time to time the Municipality will receive requests to have work done on a road prior to their time in the asset management plan.

In these circumstances The Municipality may approve the work to be done pending a cost sharing partnership.
To learn more, please see Policy TP-27-2021 Gravel and Paving Cost Sharing between Residents and the Municipality.

2020 Projects

  • East sector:
    • 1500 metres of paving on Skye Road;
    • 2500 metres of paving on St-Isidore Road;
    • 75 metres Curbs on Ste-Catherine Street;
    • 1200 metres of paving on Bourbon Road;
    • 1500 metres to rebuild base on Concession 9 (West)
  • West sector:
    • 1500 metres of paving 3 loops in Cambridge Forest Estates;
    • 130 metres of paving & 300 metres curbs on Dolorès Street
    • 1200 metres of paving on St-Paul S. Street
    • 2000 metres of chip and seal on Route 500 East
piping system for water filtration

Water and Sewer

Water Sytems

 The Nation Municipality operates two water systems.

  • The Village of Limoges water system is supplied from groundwater wells then treated at the water treatment plant. A reservoir with booster pumps provides pressure to the system for all flows including peak flows and fire protection. The Limoges system has generators and UPS systems in every building in case of any power failures.
  • The Village of St-Isidore water system is supplied from the Lefaivre water treatment plant and then pumped to the water reservoir in St-Isidore. The capacity of the water tower is 950m3 which provides pressure when pumps are off as well as supply during peak hours of usage and fire protection. All buildings are equipped with generators and UPS systems in case of any power failures.

Water Meters

How to read your water meter

Your home may be equipped with one of two models of water meters:  a rotating dial meter or a digital water meter.  To view the numbers on the digital water meter, direct light is required to activate the digital screen. With the use of a flashlight pointed directly on the screen, the screen will be activated and display the numbers of your current water consumption along with the instant flow going through the meter.

Some key information:

The average daily consumption per household (average of 3 people) within our municipality is 192m3 annually.

  • 1 m3 = 1000 litres of water
  • Average daily consumption/household is 520 litres

For more detailed info about utility services and related costs of the Nation’s Municipality, please visit the utilities tab of the Finances’ page.

Your invoice seems high?

There are a number of possible explanations for high consumption:

  • A leak in plumbing fixtures and/or pipes
  • A change in household (such as new tenants, new owners, guests)
  • A result of higher seasonal demands (such as an increase in lawn watering, filling up a pool)
  • Installation of new appliances (dishwasher, hot water tank, lawn sprinkling system)

Our objective is to raise awareness of potential plumbing issue(s) in your residence.  This could result in costly expenditure now that the municipality has switched over to metered consumption of water.  It is important to understand that it is the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain and repair all plumbing inconsistencies.

How to check for leaks

First, you will need to take a reading of your water meter.

  • Check if the toilet seeps: Lift the lid off of the water tank, drop in some food coloring or brewed tea or instant coffee, and come back in 20 minutes.  (Don’t flush the toilet while you are waiting).  If color appears in the toilet bowl it means that the rod-and-ball assembly or flapper needs adjustment or replacement.
  • Check if any faucets leak (drip):  Install a paper towel in the bottom of the sink under the faucet and wait.  If you come back and the paper towel is wet it is an indication that your faucet seal is broken or the faucet is loose.
  • Take a reading before turning in for the night.  Do not use water during the night and then take another reading in the morning before anyone uses water.  The readings should be identical.  This last suggestion could also be done during the day for a couple of hours, as it would be very difficult to do overnight for multiple units’ complex.

Frequently asked water quality questions (FAQ)

Q-What is the water hardness in Limoges

A-295 mg/l Caco3 or 17.5 grains


Q- What is the water hardness in St-Isidore

A-80 mg/l Caco3 or 4.7 grains


Q-What is the quantity of sodium in Limoges water

A-30 mg/l this is slightly higher than the normal average, the normal average is 20 mg/liter.  Ex: V8 tomato juice contains 300mg for 156ml can.


Q-The color of my water is yellow/orange

A-Let the cold water run for about 15 minutes.

If the color disappear it’s because we flushed a fire hydrant

If the color stays call the emergency pager number 1-800-342-6442



The average household in The Nation municipality consists of: 2 adults and 2 children and uses approximately 256 cubic meters a year.


Residential consumption

  • Shower and baths – 35%
  • Toilet flushing – 30%
  • Laundry – 20%
  • Kitchen and drinking – 10%
  • Cleaning  5%


Leaks can be costly.  A continuous leak from a hole of ¼”, over a three month period, wastes 4,475 cubic meters of water.  Most leaks are easy to find and to fix, at very little cost.



A toilet that continues to run after flushing, if the leak is large enough, can waste up to 200 000 liters of water in a single year!

If you are concerned you may have a leak refer to the section How to check for leaks



Keep your grass three inches long (7.5 cm) and it will shade its own roots from the scorching sun and choke out those pesky weeds and dandelions.  It also holds moisture better, reducing watering needs.  Water your lawn and garden in the evening to minimize evaporation.



Install rain barrels!  It can help you lower summer water use and reduce the load on sewers and watercourses.  Rainwater is great for indoor and outdoor plants.  Untreated, it’s soft, free of calcium, lime and chlorine.



Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.  Running water wastes about 19 liters a minute.  Shorten your shower by 1 to 2 minutes.  You will save up to 550 liters per month.


Did you know?

Reduced water use can help save electricity.  Electricity is required to process and distribute water; so when less water is consumed, less electricity is used as well.

For more tips on water conservations visit:



Fire Hydrants Testing for public safety

Residents may detect colored water and loss in water pressure during the testing of a hydrant in your area.  It is recommended to avoid drinking or using the washing machine with colored water .  While it is NOT harmful to your health, it can stain laundry.

  • Reduced water pressure should only be intermittent as the hydrants are being tested; the pressure will return to normal once the flow test is complete.
  • If you detect colored water, turn on the cold water tap for a few minutes to flush the system as this is only temporary due to sedimentation in the water main distribution system.

The ongoing maintenance program is designed to ensure that our hydrants are ready should they be needed by the Fire Department.  Testing ensures that the hydrants are in full working order and verifies their flow capacities.  This maintenance procedure is routine, but may result in temporary inconveniences.





The following websites offer well and septic tank owners information about the legal requirements of well and septic tank owners and contractors or technicians who work at the construction of a water well.  Other useful information regarding chloramination and sampling recommended by the Ministry of Health can also be found through these information resources.

Government of Ontario:

Eastern Ontario Health Unit:



Wastewater operations are managed by employees of the Nation Municipality. Operators of wastewater systems remove harmful pollutants from domestic liquid waste and allow water to return to the environment safely and according to the standards of Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.

  • Fournier / St-Bernadin
    • The villages of Fournier and St-Bernardin have a community septic field.
  • St-Isidore
    • The village of St-Isidore has a wastewater lagoon located on Bourgon Road.
  • Limoges
    • The village of Limoges and the Forest Park region share a wastewater lagoon located on County Road 500.
  • St-Albert
    • The village of St-Albert has a wastewater lagoon located on County Road 400.

The sewer systems are made up from a series of gravity sloped pipes in each community. These pipes are connected to pumping stations which then pump the sewage to the municipal lagoon.  As the sewage enters the lagoon it is injected with aluminum sulphate to remove phosphorus and settle out solid matter which improves the clarity of the wastewater.

The lagoons are aerated to remove gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphide and increases the oxygen level in the wastewater to reduce the biological oxygen demand which through this process meets the COA requirements to ensure the wastewater is safe for discharging. Semi-annual basis for Limoges to the Castor River, annual basis for St-Albert to the Nation River and St-Isidore to the Scotch River.  Fournier and St-Bernardin villages are on communal septic systems.



Q-There is a strong sewer odor in the house:  

A-Check all floor drains to ensure that the water is present to prevent sewer odor from returning back into the house. Also make sure that all air vents connected to sanitary pipes are free and clear from debris.


Q-What NOT to flush down the toilet

Very few items should be flushed down the toilet.  Remember to only flush human waste and toilet paper!  Flushing certain items can result in a back-up of the sewer line into your home or create problems at the Municipality’s wastewater treatment facility.

What should never be flushed down the toilet?

  • Food grease/fat
  • Condoms
  • Sanitary products
  • Tampons
  • Diapers
  • Personal care wipes/baby wipes
  • Cotton swabs
  • Hair
  • Dental floss
  • Old medicines

Q-Why are “flushables” not allowed to be disposed of down the toilet?

While products may be advertised as “flushable”, in reality items such as baby wipes, makeup remover cloths and disinfectant wipes do not decompose in the sanitary sewer system.  Flushing this material causes damage to the sewer system and may cause sewer backups in your home.  Flushables should be disposed of in the garbage.



Storm water runoff is rainwater that flows across the land and is routed through our drainage systems into our creeks, lakes and wetlands. Urbanization reduces the amount of water that can be absorbed into the ground through the increase of impervious or hard surfaces such as roads, driveways, sidewalks, walkways and patios and roofs. The impervious surfaces increase the amount of stormwater runoff flowing into our watercourses that, if left uncontrolled, can result in increased risks to flooding, erosion, watercourse health and aquatic life.



Pond locations in operation:  

  • 2165 and 2170  Savage Street in Limoges
  • 43 South Indian Drive in Limoges
  • 52 Mayer Street in Limoges
  • 20 Giroux Street in Limoges
  • 141 Cayer Street in St-Albert
  • Stormceptor 181 Ottawa Street in Limoges


Residents should follow the following guidelines:

  • Do not swim, wade, skate or boat within the stormwater pond;
  • Exercise safety around storm water ponds as conditions in the ponds can change rapidly which can include fluctuating water levels and thin ice



  • 24 Machabee in the Village of St-Albert
  • Intersection of County Road 9 and Concession 12
  • 1301 Lacroix Road in the area of Casselman


  • 24 Machabee in the Village of St-Albert
  • Intersection of County Road 9 and Concession 12
  • 1301 Lacroix Road in the area of Casselman


Man's index pointing at tablet with dollar sign

Cost Sharing for Roads Policy

From time to time the Municipality will receive requests to have work done on a road prior to their time in the asset management plan.

In these circumstances The Municipality may approve the work to be done pending a cost sharing partnership.
To learn more, please see Policy TP-27-2021 Gravel and Paving Cost Sharing between Residents and the Municipality.


  • 24 Machabee in the Village of St-Albert
  • Intersection of County Road 9 and Concession 12
  • 1301 Lacroix Road in the area of Casselman


Drain municipal vu d'un pont, ciel bleu

Municipal Drains

The drainage department includes 230 municipal drains within the municipality.


To request maintenance on a municipal drain, please fill out the form below.


Request for a maintenance on a Municipal Drain

Civic Address(Required)
In the former Township of:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY




Éric Leroux, Leroux Consulting, 613) 524-2932

Photo d'un plan de construction

Construction Projects

The list of the 2021 projects.  (The infrastructure projects that were paid for by the Government of Canada through the transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues under the new deal for cities and communities.)

The drainage department includes 230 municipal drains within the municipality.

Perhaps you’ve just purchased property, and been told by your municipality that you are assessed into a municipal drain. Perhaps you have owned a property for a couple of years and have recently discovered that you are located in the watershed of a municipal drain. You’re probably wondering, what does this mean? How does it affect me? What will it cost?


Physically, What is a Municipal Drain?

Physically, a municipal drain is simply a drainage system. Most municipal drains are either ditches or closed systems such as pipes or tiles buried in the ground. They can also include structures such as dykes or berms, pumping stations, buffer strips, grassed waterways, stormwater detention ponds, culverts and bridges. Even some creeks and small rivers are now considered to be municipal drains. Municipal drains are primarily located in rural agricultural areas of the province.

piping system for water filtration

Water and Sewer

The Purpose of Municipal Drains

Municipal drains have been a fixture of rural Ontario’s infrastructure since the 1800’s. Most municipal drains were constructed to improve the drainage of agricultural land by serving as the discharge point for private agricultural tile drainage systems. However, they also remove excess water collected by roadside ditches, residential lots, churches, schools, industrial lands, commercial lands and any other properties in rural areas. They are a vital component of the local infrastructure. Without them, many areas of the province would be subjected to regular flooding, reduced production from agricultural land and increased public health risks.

Municipal Infrastructure – Once a municipal drain has been constructed under the authority of a by-law, it becomes part of that municipality’s infrastructure. The local municipality, through its drainage superintendent, is responsible for repairing and maintaining the municipal drain. In certain circumstances, the municipality can be held liable for damages for not maintaining these drains.

Any landowner who is assessed in a municipal drain may submit a request for drain cleaning, the removal of beaver dams, or any debris that may obstruct in the municipal drain.

For information about drainage here is a link to the Ontario Ministry of Food and Rural Affairs web page.


Drain municipal vu d'un pont, ciel bleu

Municipal Drains

The drainage department includes 230 municipal drains within the municipality.

The drainage department includes 230 municipal drains within the municipality.

Perhaps you’ve just purchased property, and been told by your municipality that you are assessed into a municipal drain. Perhaps you have owned a property for a couple of years and have recently discovered that you are located in the watershed of a municipal drain. You’re probably wondering, what does this mean? How does it affect me? What will it cost?


Physically, What is a Municipal Drain?

Physically, a municipal drain is simply a drainage system. Most municipal drains are either ditches or closed systems such as pipes or tiles buried in the ground. They can also include structures such as dykes or berms, pumping stations, buffer strips, grassed waterways, stormwater detention ponds, culverts and bridges. Even some creeks and small rivers are now considered to be municipal drains. Municipal drains are primarily located in rural agricultural areas of the province.

Figure 1. Plan of a Municipal Drain.

The Purpose of Municipal Drains

Municipal drains have been a fixture of rural Ontario’s infrastructure since the 1800’s. Most municipal drains were constructed to improve the drainage of agricultural land by serving as the discharge point for private agricultural tile drainage systems. However, they also remove excess water collected by roadside ditches, residential lots, churches, schools, industrial lands, commercial lands and any other properties in rural areas. They are a vital component of the local infrastructure. Without them, many areas of the province would be subjected to regular flooding, reduced production from agricultural land and increased public health risks.

Municipal Infrastructure – Once a municipal drain has been constructed under the authority of a by-law, it becomes part of that municipality’s infrastructure. The local municipality, through its drainage superintendent, is responsible for repairing and maintaining the municipal drain. In certain circumstances, the municipality can be held liable for damages for not maintaining these drains.

Any landowner who is assessed in a municipal drain may submit a request for drain cleaning, the removal of beaver dams, or any debris that may obstruct in the municipal drain.

For information about drainage here is a link to the Ontario Ministry of Food and Rural Affairs web page.



Éric Leroux, Leroux Consulting, 613) 524-2932

To request maintenance on a municipal drain, please fill out the form below.


Request for a maintenance on a Municipal Drain

Civic Address(Required)
In the former Township of:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY



To request maintenance on a municipal drain, please fill out the form below.


Request for a maintenance on a Municipal Drain

Civic Address(Required)
In the former Township of:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY



Man's index pointing at tablet with dollar sign

Cost Sharing for Roads Policy

From time to time the Municipality will receive requests to have work done on a road prior to their time in the asset management plan.

In these circumstances The Municipality may approve the work to be done pending a cost sharing partnership.
To learn more, please see Policy TP-27-2021 Gravel and Paving Cost Sharing between Residents and the Municipality.

Some key information

The average daily consumption per household (average of 3 people) within our municipality is 192m3 annually.

  • 1 m3 = 1000 litres of water
  • Average daily consumption/household is 520 litres

For more detailed info about utility services and related costs of the Nation’s Municipality, please visit the utilities tab of the Finances’ page.

Tile Drainage

In agriculture, tile drainage is a practice that removes excess water from soil subsurface.

The Tile Loan Program

Landowners in a municipality in Ontario planning to install a tile drainage system on their agricultural land are eligible for a tile loan under this program.

All tile loans have 10-year terms, and repayments are made annually. Landowners are eligible for a loan of up to 75% of the value of the tile drainage work, but the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and the local municipality may have policies that further restrict the total dollar amount of any loan in any given year. The provincial government sets the program interest rate at a competitive level. This rate is fixed for the full term of the loan, regardless of changes in market interest rates. The interest rate is calculated annually, not semi-annually, as is done by most financial institutions. Check with your local municipality for more information on current tile loan policies and interest rates.

The application process is quite simple. Loan application forms, available at your municipality, must be submitted to the municipal council. Once council approves the application, the owner arranges to have the work completed by a licensed tile drainage contractor (for more information on licensing, see the OMAFRA Factsheet Agricultural Drainage Licensing, Order No. 01-063). The municipality will inspect the work and may charge a fee for this inspection. Once a month, the municipality prepares loan documents to send to OMAFRA in the amount of all the loans for that month. After processing these documents, OMAFRA issues a cheque to the municipality, which distributes the loan funds to each individual applicant.

The municipality collects the loan repayments from the owner and remits them to OMAFRA. Defaulted payments are rare but are treated in the same manner as unpaid taxes.

The loan can be repaid in full at any time. Contact your municipality to find out the amount still owing at the time of your proposed payout date.


  1. The requestor should make sure that there is sufficient outlet for the tile drainage installation before the application process.
  2. Get an estimate from an Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs certified contractor.
  3. Complete and submit an application form to the Nation’s Municipality.
  4. The application will be presented and considered by the Council of the municipality. Make sure that your taxes payment is up to date.
  5. The application will be Declined or Approved, if approved, the applicant may start with the installation.
  6. The Municipality should be notified immediately after the tiles are installed by calling at 613-524-2932. An inspection of the work must be performed before the field is worked.
  7. The applicant must provide the original invoice and field plan to the municipality.
  8. The municipality will proceed with the request through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
  9. The applicant will receive a payment schedule along with the loan for accounting purposes.


If you wish to apply for the Tile Loan Program, please contact the Municipality’s Satellite office.


Satellite Office

3248 County Road 9

Fournier, ON  K0B 1G0

TEL: 613-524-2932

FAX: 613-524-1140

The Tile Loan Program

Landowners in a municipality in Ontario planning to install a tile drainage system on their agricultural land are eligible for a tile loan under this program.

All tile loans have 10-year terms, and repayments are made annually. Landowners are eligible for a loan of up to 75% of the value of the tile drainage work, but the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and the local municipality may have policies that further restrict the total dollar amount of any loan in any given year. The provincial government sets the program interest rate at a competitive level. This rate is fixed for the full term of the loan, regardless of changes in market interest rates. The interest rate is calculated annually, not semi-annually, as is done by most financial institutions. Check with your local municipality for more information on current tile loan policies and interest rates.

The application process is quite simple. Loan application forms, available at your municipality, must be submitted to the municipal council. Once council approves the application, the owner arranges to have the work completed by a licensed tile drainage contractor (for more information on licensing, see the OMAFRA Factsheet Agricultural Drainage Licensing, Order No. 01-063). The municipality will inspect the work and may charge a fee for this inspection. Once a month, the municipality prepares loan documents to send to OMAFRA in the amount of all the loans for that month. After processing these documents, OMAFRA issues a cheque to the municipality, which distributes the loan funds to each individual applicant.

The municipality collects the loan repayments from the owner and remits them to OMAFRA. Defaulted payments are rare but are treated in the same manner as unpaid taxes.

The loan can be repaid in full at any time. Contact your municipality to find out the amount still owing at the time of your proposed payout date.

Drain municipal vu d'un pont, ciel bleu

Municipal Drains

The drainage department includes 230 municipal drains within the municipality.


To request maintenance on a municipal drain, please fill out the form below.


Request for a maintenance on a Municipal Drain

Civic Address(Required)
In the former Township of:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY



Loan Application Procedure

  1. The requestor should make sure that there is sufficient outlet for the tile drainage installation before the application process.
  2. Get an estimate from an Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs certified contractor.
  3. Complete and submit an application form to the Nation’s Municipality.
  4. The application will be presented and considered by the Council of the municipality. Make sure that your taxes payment is up to date.
  5. The application will be Declined or Approved, if approved, the applicant may start with the installation.
  6. The Municipality should be notified immediately after the tiles are installed by calling at 613-524-2932. An inspection of the work must be performed before the field is worked.
  7. The applicant must provide the original invoice and field plan to the municipality.
  8. The municipality will proceed with the request through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
  9. The applicant will receive a payment schedule along with the loan for accounting purposes.


If you wish to apply for the Tile Loan Program, please contact the Municipality’s Satellite office.


Satellite Office

3248 County Road 9

Fournier, ON  K0B 1G0

TEL: 613-524-2932

FAX: 613-524-1140

Municipal 511

Municipal511 is a comprehensive map-based road information management and communications service that also supports emergency response and management.

Municipal511 is a comprehensive map-based road information management and communications service that also supports emergency response and management.

Road issues include emergency road closures, current and future construction events, special events, load restrictions, truck routes, winter road conditions and significant weather events.

Road issues can include the location of the event, the impact of the event (e.g. road closed – no emergency access, alternating traffic), detour route(s), etc.

The Purpose of Municipal Drains

Municipal drains have been a fixture of rural Ontario’s infrastructure since the 1800’s. Most municipal drains were constructed to improve the drainage of agricultural land by serving as the discharge point for private agricultural tile drainage systems. However, they also remove excess water collected by roadside ditches, residential lots, churches, schools, industrial lands, commercial lands and any other properties in rural areas. They are a vital component of the local infrastructure. Without them, many areas of the province would be subjected to regular flooding, reduced production from agricultural land and increased public health risks.

Municipal Infrastructure – Once a municipal drain has been constructed under the authority of a by-law, it becomes part of that municipality’s infrastructure. The local municipality, through its drainage superintendent, is responsible for repairing and maintaining the municipal drain. In certain circumstances, the municipality can be held liable for damages for not maintaining these drains.

Any landowner who is assessed in a municipal drain may submit a request for drain cleaning, the removal of beaver dams, or any debris that may obstruct in the municipal drain.

For information about drainage here is a link to the Ontario Ministry of Food and Rural Affairs web page.


Inquires and Complaints

You have questions? Or wish to submit a complaint?

If you wish to submit a request or a complaint, please send us an email    



To request maintenance on a municipal drain, please fill out the form below.


Request for a maintenance on a Municipal Drain

Civic Address(Required)
In the former Township of:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY



Municipal 511

Municipal511 is a comprehensive map-based road information management and communications service that also supports emergency response and management.

Municipal511 is a comprehensive map-based road information management and communications service that also supports emergency response and management.

Road issues include emergency road closures, current and future construction events, special events, load restrictions, truck routes, winter road conditions and significant weather events.

Road issues can include the location of the event, the impact of the event (e.g. road closed – no emergency access, alternating traffic), detour route(s), etc.