Canada Post Strike: Plan Ahead for Your Payments
Due to the ongoing Canada Post strike, cheque payments sent by mail may be delayed or not mailed at all. To avoid any issues or late payments, we encourage you to:
The traditional method for Property Tax and Utility bills delivery, which would be done automatically, is through Canada Post.
We will send the Property Tax and Utility bills a minimum of 21 days before the due date.
Go paperless! You can now receive your Property Tax bill electronically! Asyst OL is the secure service provider for viewing your invoices. Subscribe now and you will be able to have access to your 2015 and subsequent tax bills.
Notably, once you subscribe to online billing, you will no longer receive a paper copy of your Property Tax bill by mail.
e-BillingOnce you have registered, you will receive an email from “The Nation Municipality ON eCommerce System” to confirm your registration. The email will include your user name and verification code.
Please follow the link to validate your information.
If you have never received a Property Tax bill, please contact us at 613-764-5444 extension 221 or
Please note that if you wish to see the information in French, please select the French language option; once you log in, the information will appear in French.
E-Bill login pageGo paperless! You can now receive and view your Utility bills online! Once you register, you will no longer receive your utility bills by mail.
e-BillingOnce you have registered, you will receive an email from “The Nation Municipality ON eCommerce System” to confirm your registration. The email will include your user name and verification code.
Please follow the link to validate your information.
If you have never received a utility bill, please contact us at 613-764-5444 extension 234 or
You can now pay your Property Taxes, Utility Bills, and miscellaneous invoices (such as tipping fees, fire permits, fence permits, dog tags, etc.) online by credit card or PayPal!
A $0.35 fee per transaction plus 3% of the paid amount will be applied on your credit card.
e-PaymentOnce you have registered, you will receive an email from “The Nation Municipality ON eCommerce System” to confirm your registration. The email will include your user name and verification code.
Please follow the link to validate your information.
Click on “Pay Other Items” to pay your Utility Bills, Property Tax Bill or Invoices
E-Payment Login PageYou can sign up for our pre-authorized payment program where you can adhere to one of two plans by filling a form found on our website (Budget Plan – 12 annual payments or Regular Plan – 4 annual payments)
Most financial institutions offer Internet or telephone banking.
For Taxes
To set up, you will need to input the 8-digit account number as shown on your tax bill. If this does not work, contact your financial institution’s help desk.
For Utilities
To set up, you will need to input the 5-digit account number as shown on your utility bill. If this does not work, contact your financial institution’s help desk.
For Invoices (account receivable)
*** Only applicable for Caisse Populaire and Tangerine.
*** To set up, you will need to input the 8-character Customer ID as shown on your invoice (top right); the Customer ID’s first four characters are letters and the last four characters are numbers (for example ABCD1234). You will need to add The Nation Municipality as a provider/supplier in your list. In order to pay general invoices, you will need to select The Nation Municipality – miscellaneous invoices.
If this does not work, contact your financial institution’s help desk.
Payment can also be made at most financial institutions on or before the due date. Institutions may charge for this service.
Caisse Populaire
The Nation Municipality- Invoice Miscellaneous (ON)
The Nation Municipality-Taxes (ON)
The Nation Municipality- Water et Sewer (ON)
Banque Scotia
Nation Municipality-Taxes
Mun. De la Nation – Eau et Egout I Water and Sewer
CIBC (Siimpli financial)
Municipalite de la Nation Tax
Municipalite de Nation Utility
Municipalite de la Nation -Taxes
The Nation (Mun) – Water & Sewer
TD Bank
The Nation Municipality- Water and Sewer
Municipalite de la Nation -Taxes
The Nation Municipality- Taxes
The Nation Municipality – Water & Sewer
The Nation Municipality – Invoice (Misc)
Bank of Montreal
The Nation Municipality- Water & Sewer
The Nation Municipality-Taxes
Municipalite La Nation – Water & Sewer
National Bank
Not available.
To make a payment, you may use our secure exterior drop box to deposit a check with a copy of your invoice.
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