Submit a marriage licence application Licence Application
Visit Service Ontario for more information on registered marriage officiants in Ontario.
In order to apply for a marriage licence, you must schedule an appointment with the Clerk or Deputy Clerk. While it is recommended that both partners be present at the appointment, it is not required.
Both partners will need to supply the following documentation:
Once issued, the marriage licence will be valid for 3 months and anywhere in Ontario.
The fee for the marriage licence is $150.00. We accept Interac and cash only.
The Province of Ontario has extended the expiry date for most marriage licences issued during the States of emergencies, as declared by the province. For more information, please visit Service Ontario.
If you need a replacement licence, please schedule an appointment with the Clerk or Deputy Clerk.
Apply for the Washable Diaper Grant Today! Applications, Permits & Licenses
Did you know that The Nation Municipality offers refunds for parents of newborns who purchased washable diapers? This is done in an effort to reduce the amount of garbage sent to our landfills. We have a total of 20 refunds to give away per year!
There are three types of daycare services in The Nation: Daycares in Schools; Private Daycares; and Home Daycares.
Schools will often offer before and after school daycare, and preschool services.
The following is a list of those offered in The Nation (last updated May 2021).
Private Daycares offer care for toddlers, preschool and children before and after school.. These daycare centers generally offer their services on an ongoing basis, supported by trained staff. In The Nation we notably count the following companies (last updated May 2021).
Home Daycares offers services in a private residence by an individual. Places are generally limited to 1 or 2 children and may change year to year. Neighbourhood networking is the best approach if you are looking for available space.
Would you like to add your service to our list? Contact us at 613-764-5444!
Attention homeschoolers, this may be a group for you!
A space for free learning for children 0 to 17 years old.
PARADIS NATURE is a space dedicated to families practicing home education in which members are authors of and responsible for their daily life, within a multi-age and intergenerational group. Young people are free to determine their own goals. They devote themselves to what interests them without any schedule or time constraints. In connection with their nature and their deep aspiration at every moment, they play, explore and practice their areas of interest.
For more information contact: Marie-Claude Dubé
The Commissioner of Oaths may administer oaths and take affidavits, declarations, and affirmations where permitted or required by law. The Commissioners carry out their duties under the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act.
The Commissioner of Oaths may administer oaths and take affidavits, declarations, and affirmations where permitted or required by law. The Commissioners carry out their duties under the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act.
All documents must be signed in front of the commissioner by the person making the request.
If you require the services of a Commissioner of Oaths, you can schedule an appointment with the Clerk or Deputy Clerk during office hours. The fee is $20.00 per session with the Commissioner and is payable by cash or Interac.
Example of types of documents a Commissioner of Oaths can sign:
Documents to bring during appointment: