The Commissioner of Oaths may administer oaths and take affidavits, declarations, and affirmations where permitted or required by law. The Commissioners carry out their duties under the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act.

All documents must be signed in front of the commissioner by the person making the request.

If you need the services of a Commissioner of Oaths, you can book an appointment with the Clerk at

PLEASE NOTE: Walk-ins are also welcome; however, service cannot be guaranteed if no Commissioner is available at the time.

The fee is $20.00 per session with the Commissioner and is payable by cash or credit. 


Example of types of documents a Commissioner of Oaths can sign:

  • Documents indicating that it must be signed in the presence of a commissioner of oaths, for example:
    • Legal name change application;
    • Delayed birth registration forms;
    • Pension purpose attestations of recipient being alive and confirming their residency;
    • Donation of a vehicle to a family member;

Documents to bring during appointment: 

  • The document to be signed (unsigned);
  • Two pieces of identification
    • One government issued photo ID (example: passport or driver’s licence); and
    • Any other document that confirms your identity (example: health card, birth certificate).