NEW: At the Monday, December 6th 2021 meeting, The Nation’s Council approved the abolition of dog registrations. Residents will also not longer have to purchase dog tags. For more details, write to us here.
A dog is considered to be a stray dog if found in any place other than the premises of the dog’s owner and not under the control of a responsible person.
Stray dogs may be seized and impounded by the Municipality. Impound fees must be paid before the dog is released to its owner.
Supervise your dog at all times. Stray dogs may injure themselves or may become lost. They may also attack livestock, wildlife, other dogs or people. Under the Dog Owner’s Liability Act, the Court may order that the dog be strictly controlled or even destroyed if it has attacked or bitten.
Barking dogs may disturb the peace and quiet of persons in the neighbourhood. Owners of dogs that bark in this way are in violation of the Animal Control By-law. Respond immediately to your dog’s barking and do not let it continue. Barking or whining is your dog’s way of communicating. Ensure that your dog’s basic needs are met:
Train your dog not to bark needlessly.
Sixteen (16) dog waste bins were installed by The Nation Municipality to collect ONLY plastic bags containing dog excrement. This is the fruit of another initiative by the Limoges Citizens’ Committee.
If you are a dog owner, these bins will make it simpler for you to dispose of your dog’s poop in a respectful manner.
3 simple steps: Take plastic bags with you on your walks with your dog, poop and scoop and drop your filled bags in the closest bin.
The bins located at the following strategic points across the village of Limoges will be emptied on a weekly basis by municipal staff:
Not only are plastic bags or dog poop left on the ground around the Village a health risk but they are also an eyesore for everyone. It is YOUR civic responsibility as a dog owner to pick up after your dog at all times, be it on private or public property.
These small gestures on your daily routines will help maintain a clean environment for all of us. Do your part and pick up after yourself and your dog. Thank you for your contribution.
Three (3) bins designated specifically for dog’s excrement plastic bags were purchased and installed by the Public Works Department at the following strategic points across the village of St-Isidore:
They will be emptied on a weekly basis.
The updated standards of care for dogs kept outdoors and dogs tethered outdoors are now in effect as of July 1, 2022. To further support owners and custodians of dogs kept outdoors or dogs tethered outdoors, please consult the Updated Frequently Asked Questions, which will help address additional questions regarding the updated standards.
It is mandatory for all dogs and cats kept within the limits of The Nation Municipality to be vaccinated against Rabies. Contact your veterinarian or visit the annual Rabies Clinic, normally held every September by the Eastern Ontario Health Unit.
No person shall keep, in or about a dwelling unit within The Nation Municipality more than three (3) dogs over twenty (20) weeks of age unless such premises are:
This By-law applies to all persons and to the licensing of dog kennels referred to in this By-law within The Nation Municipality.
No person shall keep or harbor more than 3 dogs except where they are kept in a kennel located in accordance with the provisions of the By-law, regulations within the applicable zoning By-law and all applicable law.
No person shall keep a kennel for breeding or boarding of dogs without first having received a kennel license from the municipality.
Every kennel license shall expire on the 31st day of March following the date it is issued unless it is renewed for one or more further one year terms. No such license may be renewed except in accordance with the provisions of this and all relevant By-laws and Regulations. License fees shall be in accordance with Schedule “B” attached to and forming part of this By-law.
In the event of the death of a person to whom a kennel license has been issued under the By-law, that license shall be deemed to have been granted to his personal representative and shall be subject to the provisions of this By-law with respect to revocation thereof or otherwise.
Where an owner or operator of a kennel fails to comply with the Animal Care and Control By-law of The Nation Municipality, the license may be suspended or revoked.
No kennel shall be erected or maintained unless approval has been obtained from the manager.
Every person who owns and/or operates a kennel shall comply with the requirements set out in the “Code of Practice for Canadian Kennel Operations”.
No kennel structure, or part thereof, shall be used for human habitation.
Every person who owns and/or operates a kennel shall permit a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, The OSPCA, Animal Welfare Investigators, the Chief Building Official or his/her designate under the Building Code Act, or such other persons as may be appointed by council to enter and inspect the kennel at all reasonable times, upon production of proper identification, for the purposes of determining compliance with this By-law.
Notwithstanding the above, the granting of a kennel license shall not be refused under this By-law for reasons only of the location of such building where such building was being used as a kennel for the breeding or boarding of dogs prior to the coming into force of this By-law.
Licensing fees for dogs
1.1 Kennel/Purebred license: $100.00
1.2 Kennel/Purebred license: $100.00
1.3 Late payment (90 days after anniversary date of registration), $20.00 plus licence fee.
Pound Fees
2.1 Pick-up and impounding: $50.00
2.2 Daily pound fee: $30.00”
Disposing of Animal
3.1 Disposition of Animal Fee – $95.00
Kennel or breed dog License
Please fill out this form for Kennel or breed dog license
Apply for a Fire Permit Applications, Permits & Licenses
If you intend to light a fire with a base smaller than 1 square metre, you do not need a permit. If the flame base is bigger than 1 square metre, please apply for a permit.
Notices of Fire Bans will be posted on our Emergency Services and Programs Section.
Apply for a fire permit by filling out the application form.
Once the completed application form is received by the Municipality, a By-law Enforcement Officer will visit the intended location to ensure that the fire can be lit safely and that the intended location conforms to the terms of the By-law. The Officer may issue the permit, issue the permit with conditions, or refuse to issue the permit. Please allow 48 hours for an application to be processed.
The By-law Enforcement Officer will refuse to issue a fire permit under one or more of the following conditions:
There is a fee of $25 for the permit. Payment can be made in person at The Nation’s office or you can send a check by mail. The applicant will receive a fire permit that must be present at the location of the fire while the fire is burning. Before lighting the fire, the applicant must telephone 1-888-870-8883 to advise the fire dispatch centre that they will be lighting a fire for which a permit has been issued. The dispatch centre will have already received a copy of the permit from the By-law Enforcement Officer.
Whether a fire permit is required or not, it is prohibited to burn the following:
The burning of ditches, lawns and fields is prohibited. These types of fires are the most difficult to control and pose the highest danger of spreading. Smoke from the burning of roadside ditches creates a hazard for vehicular traffic.
Please be advised that there will no longer be free fire permits during the winter months. Fire permits are $25.00 for one month.
For more information, please contact us at 613-764-5444.
Apply for a Fireworks By-law Exemption: Applications, Permits & Licenses
The Nation Municipality regulates the discharge of consumer and display fireworks within its boundaries for the safety and well-being of its residents.
La municipalité de Nation régit la décharge des feux d’artifice de consommation et d’affichage dans ses limites pour la sécurité et le bien-être de ses résidents. Les feux d’artifice ne peuvent pas être tirés dans les zones résidentielles (R1, R2, R3 ET R3).
Pour savoir si votre propriété est dans un quartier résidentiel, veuillez consulter ces cartes des zones résidentielles R1, R2, R3 et R4. En cas de doute, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous au 613-764-5444 et à parler à un membre du personnel.
Apply for a Noise By-law Exemption By-laws & Policies' Page
“Noise” is defined as being a noise nuisance or sounds that can disturb the people of the municipality of La Nation.
Determining how much noise is too much noise can be complicated. People differ in their tolerance for noise; some are more sensitive to noise than others. Other factors must also be considered when determining whether a particular noise is disturbing or not. These factors include the time of day the noise occurs, the duration of the noise, and the location of the noise. For example, a Weed Eater being operated at 2:00 p.m. might not be considered bothersome, whereas the same machinery being operated at 2:00 a.m. would likely generate complaints.
The municipal Noise By-law recognizes the need for flexibility and has established different levels of acceptable noise for different situations. The by-law prohibits noise from the following activities between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.: blowing horns, yelling, shouting, singing, whistling, construction, trade, loading and unloading of materials, and mowing lawns.
Try to resolve the matter
Noise problems can often be resolved in a courteous fashion without involving municipal staff. If you feel comfortable doing so, approach the person making the noise and talk to them about your concerns. They may be completely unaware that they are creating a disturbance.
Become informed
In addition to reading the information on this page, read the municipal By-Laws governing noise. The Animal Control By-law governs barking or howling dogs; the Noise By-law governs all other types of noise. The by-laws will tell you what types of noise are permitted and during which hours.
Call the Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer
If you are not comfortable resolving the issue on your own, or if your attempts fail, call the Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer at 613-764-5444. Since noise is defined as disturbing a resident, you must provide your name, address, and phone number when making a complaint involving noise.
Before calling the By-law Enforcement Officer, be prepared to give a detailed and accurate description of the problem including:
A Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer will investigate the situation. If the Officer determines that there is a violation of the Noise By-law, the Officer will send a notice. Please be advised that the Officer will ask that a witness statement form be completed if the noise continues.
The Noise By-law allows the granting of exemptions for specified time periods up to six months in duration by resolution of the Municipal Council. Persons wishing to obtain an exemption must submit an application to the Municipality. Before deciding on whether to grant the exemption, Council will give the applicant as well as any person opposed to the exemption an opportunity to be heard. Council may also grant an exemption with certain terms and conditions attached that must be respected.
Parking along roadways is regulated in The Nation Municipality. Important: Winter Parking Prohibition is in effect on streets between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. from November 1st until April 1st.
Parking is prohibited under the following circumstances whether signs have been erected or not:
In Ontario, the registered plate holder is normally held legally responsible for most parking infractions associated with any vehicle bearing the plate holder’s license plate. If a fine is not paid, the Court may order the Ministry of Transportation to deny the renewal of plate registration or the issuance of a new permit to the plate holder.
A “PLATE DENIAL” Court order requires the Ministry of Transportation to deny the plate holder:
Defaulted parking fines reported to the Ministry of Transportation can be paid at any Driver and Vehicle License Office.
Apply for a Sign Permit Applications, Permits & Licenses
With a few exceptions, if you intend to install a sign larger than 0.28 square metres (3 square feet) you must first obtain a sign permit from the Municipality.
The completed application form and two copies of plans for the proposed sign including size, content, and location must be submitted to the Municipal Law Enforcement Department along with the permit fee ($100) and the performance deposit ($1,000).
Please note that the performance deposit will be refunded once the sign is installed in compliance with the permit.
The application will be verified by the following departments;
The Sign By-law prohibits the placement of signs on public road easements, on public property under the jurisdiction of the municipality, or by nailing, riveting, screwing or drilling holes into posts on public property.
If you intend to install a sign within the road allowance of a county road, you will be required to include written permission from the United Counties of Prescott & Russell with your application.
With a few exceptions, all signs must be at least 3 metres (10 feet) from a public road allowance and 1.5 metres (5 feet) from adjacent property lines.
Except for the company name, all contents of new commercial signs must be bilingual. The dimensions and style of lettering must be identical in English and French.
The Sign By-law prohibits the following content:
The Nation Municipality prohibits the use of water from municipal water works for the purpose of watering lawns, gardens, flowers, hedges, or any other vegetation outside any building between May 1st and September 30th of any year.
The Nation Municipality prohibits the use of water from municipal water works for the purpose of watering lawns, gardens, flowers, hedges, or any other vegetation outside any building between May 1st and September 30th of any year. For more information, please see by-law number 53-2021.
The Municipality may suspend any or all of the above exceptions in the event of an emergency, such as drought, equipment failure, or strain on water resources caused by a major fire. When and if the exceptions are suspended, a notice will be sent to all affected residents by bulk mail.
Apply for a Fence Permit Applications, Permits & Licenses
Did you know you need a permit to build a fence?
Location plans shall be drawn to scale, be legible, and indicate the nature and extent of the work in sufficient detail to establish that the completed work will conform the applicable law.
The permit fee is $20.00
Did you know The Nation Municipality has a by-law regarding firearms discharge? Read more about it below.
Highlights of the Firearms Discharge By-law 30-2021:
For more information on hunting in Ontario, please consult the Ontario Hunting Regulations Summary.
The Nation Municipality does not issue ATV Club permits for trails.
For more information about trail permits and available trails in Eastern Ontario, please visit the ATV Club of Eastern Ontario’s website.
Apply for a Lottery Licence Applications, Permits & Licenses
Municipalities have the authority to issue licenses for the majority of lotteries in their communities, including bingo licenses up to a $5,500 prize board, raffles up to $50,000, and most break open ticket lotteries.
Section 206 makes it an indictable offence to participate in a lottery scheme in any manner. However, Section 207 provides an exemption for charitable and religious organizations to organize lotteries, provided that they are issued a license by the appropriate provincial authority.
Municipalities have the authority to issue licenses for the majority of lotteries in their communities, including bingo licenses up to a $5,500 prize board, raffles up to $50,000, and most break open ticket lotteries.
The following questions may be used to help assess the eligibility of the organization applying for a lottery license:
1. Which of the following four charitable objectives does the organization correspond to?
a) The relief of poverty;
b) The advancement of education;
c) The advancement of religion; or
d) Any other charitable purpose(s) beneficial to the community that does not fall under a, b or c.
If none of the above, the organization’s objectives should not be considered charitable.
2. Is the organization authorized to provide charitable services in Ontario and use the proceeds for objects or purposes that benefit Ontario residents?
3. Do the organization’s activities and their intended outcomes exclude or deny the benefits of these activities to any segment of the community?
4. Do the organization’s fundraising activities benefit a significant portion of the community?
5. Is the organization set up in such a way as to be considered independent of any other organization (legally, financially, administratively)?
6. Has the organization been in operation for at least one year and does it have a charitable mandate?
7. Is there a person or persons who will assume full responsibility for the event?
8. What will the proceeds of the event be used for and is the intended use consistent with the organization’s charitable objectives?
9. Does the organization have a place of business in Ontario?
*Entertainment Standards Branch, Lottery Licensing Policy Manual
Please complete the report form and mail or deliver in person to The Nation Municipality within 30 days after the event has taken place.
Please visit the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario’s web site. More information is also available in Section 206 and 207 of the Criminal Code.
If you wish to submit a complaint by email, please do so complete the form below. All complaints are confidential and will be reviewed and answered within 24 hours, then filed accordingly.