The business directory presents businesses with a physical address in the municipality. Every year new businesses are starting and others changes.
If you are starting a business or if you are aware of a business change, please complete this form.
Submit a new business or changesBusiness | Address | Phone Number | Web site | |
1 | Dépanneur Les Beaux Frères | 4755 Ste-Catherine St, St-Isidore | 613-524-2952 | |
2 | Dépanneur Miron (Petro-Canada) | 2222 Road 500 W, Limoges | 613-443-5551 | |
3 | Petro Canada - Restaurant - Max Diner St-Isidore | 5715 Ste-Catherine St, St-Isidore | 514-365-3981 | |
4 | Ultramar CST Canada Co | 715 Limoges Rd, Limoges | 613-443-5663 | |
Business register by Statistics Canada
This register identifies the number of companies and their size according to their sector of activity only. A good source of information for better decision making.
Business register, December 2020 (The Nation, Russell, Clarence-Rockland, NAICS)
* Important note on the register: the data are generated from postal codes and not directly by a geographical delimitation.