Read more about the The Nation's Strategic Plan 2034
Council of The Nation Municipality has prepared the Strategic Plan 2034 in order guide its decision-making processes and priorities for the next 20 years and to do so in such a way that the social, economic, cultural and environmental wellbeing of the municipality is protected and enhanced.
Read more on the Economic & Tourism Development Strategic Plan 2021-2024
This strategic plan is the result of a collaborative effort between Champ libre stratégies, the members of the steering committee, the members of the economic and tourism development committee, as well as the guests and residents who attended the viewing sessions held in fall 2019.
Read more on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan
The Parks and Recreation Master Plan sets out a vision, strategic objectives and key initiatives for the period 2020-2034. The master plan will serve as a policy framework to manage and sustain parks, recreation programs and facilities. It will also be a guide to decision-making for future capital and operational initiatives.
Read more on the Asset Management Policy
The purpose of this policy is to detail the Asset Management program principles with the aim of delivering services at approved levels of service; improve decision-making, accountability and transparency; reduce life cycle costs while maintaining acceptable levels of service; and linking infrastructure investment decisions to service outcomes.