SPRING CLEAN UP : The Nation Municipality’s 2025 Spring Clean up will take place from April 28th to May 1st, 2025. More details at the Spring Clean Up section.
HOLIDAYS: There is garbage and recycling pickup on all Statutory Holidays with the exception of Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, where recycling and garbage collection schedules will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week, with Saturday making up for the missed day.
NOXIOUS WEEDS: In Ontario, 25 weeds are designated as noxious under the Weed Control Act. If you have questions or concerns about noxious weeds, contact The Nation’s Environment Department at 613-764-5444 Ext. 222
Mike’s Waste Disposal Inc. performs the waste collection service.
As of July 1, 2023, Miller Waste Systems is responsible for recycling collection under the management of Circular Materials, a not-for-profit producer responsibility organization overseeing Ontario’s blue box recycling program. Visit the recycling collection section below.
Important Reminder: Garbage and recycling are still collected on the same day; however, there may be a delay between the two pick-ups.
Acceptable Garbage Bags/Containers
The maximum size of garbage bags shall not exceed 76 cm x 96 cm. Smaller bags should be placed in a garbage can not exceeding 125 litres or a bag.
Starting May 1st, 2019, 64-gallon containers will no longer be accepted during garbage pick-ups.
Garbage Bag Limit
Waste Management By-Law as amended, implements, among other things, a two (2) bag limit per property per week.
If you wish to dispose of more than two bags (2) per week, bag stickers may be purchased at a cost of $1 each, as per our Fees and Charges By-Law. These stickers can be purchased at any of our municipal offices, landfill sites or libraries. Please note that stickers can only be put on bags.
Where & When To Put Your Garbage
You are allowed to put your garbage at the curb any time after 7 p.m. the evening prior to your collection day and no later than 7 a.m. on your collection day.
Place your box(es) and garbage bag(s) on the ground as close as possible to the roadway, but not on the sidewalk, roadway or on top of a snowbank.
As of July 1, 2023, Miller Waste Systems is responsible for recycling collection under the management of Circular Materials, a not-for-profit producer responsibility organization overseeing Ontario’s blue box recycling program.
This transition means:
Important Reminder: Garbage and recycling are still collected on the same day; however, there may be a delay between the two pick-ups.
For any recycling collection inquiries, residents should contact Miller Waste directly for:
NOTICE: Please note that household hazardous waste depots are now closed. The reopening will take place on the first Saturday of May.
General information
Household hazardous waste is not collected at the curb. Residents of The Nation municipality can bring their hazardous materials to one of our depots, where they will be recycled or disposed of properly.
Note: All residents using the depot must provide proper identification as a Nation resident/property owner. We only accept waste generated from residential sources. Residents from other municipalities will not be accepted.
Cost: There is no charge.
2090 Calypso Street, Limoges, ON – Open every Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. From the first Saturday of May to the last Saturday of October.
4701 Concession Road 15, Fournier, ON – Open every Saturday, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. From the first Saturday of May to the last Saturday of October.
The following items are examples of household hazardous waste that should be taken to the depots:
All waste must be clearly labelled and in sealed containers. Reusable containers will not be returned.
Do not mix different products together.
All residents must fill out registry form.
Container larger then 20 litres (5 gallons) are not accepted.
The Nation Municipality currently operates 3 landfills.
All residents using the landfills must provide proper identification as a Nation resident/property owner.
All waste must be generated from within The Nation Municipality.
2325 Concession Road 7, St-Bernardin, ON – On call only.
2090 Calypso Street, Limoges, ON – Open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
4701 Concession Road 15, Fournier, ON – Open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Note: The cost to access the landfills outside of normal hours of operation is $50 per hour. All landfills are closed during statutory holidays.
LANDFILL FEES : As of January 1st, 2022, the tipping fees to dispose of waste is calculated at a price of $ 0.65 per cubic foot, with a minimum fixed charge of $ 2.00.
Twenty-three (23) dog waste bins were installed by The Nation Municipality to collect ONLY plastic bags containing dog excrement.
If you are a dog owner, these bins will make it simpler for you to dispose of your dog’s poop in a respectful manner.
Not only are plastic bags or dog poop left on the ground around the Village a health risk but they are also an eyesore for everyone. It is YOUR civic responsibility as a dog owner to pick up after your dog at all times, be it on private or public property.
These small gestures in your daily routines will help maintain a clean environment for all of us. Do your part and pick up after yourself and your dog. Thank you for your contribution.
Three simple steps:
The bins (18) located at the following strategic points across the village of Limoges will be emptied on a weekly basis by municipal staff:
The bins (2) located at the following strategic points across the village of St-Isidore will be emptied on a weekly basis by municipal staff:
The bins (3) located at the following strategic points across the village of St-Albert will be emptied on a weekly basis by municipal staff: