The 2024 recruiting period has ended.
Fire Protection means a range of programs designed to protect the lives and property of the residents and visitors of the Fire Department’s response area from the adverse effects of fires, sudden medical emergencies or exposure to dangerous conditions created by man or nature and includes fire prevention, public education, rescue and suppression services.
The Fire Department counts 4 Fire Stations
“Fire Protection” means a range of programs designed to protect the lives and property of the residents and visitors of the Fire Department’s response area from the adverse effects of fires, sudden medical emergencies or exposure to dangerous conditions created by man or nature and includes fire prevention, public education, rescue and suppression services:
The Nation Municipality will impose a fee for services or activities provided by the The Nation Fire Department.
The fees will be covered by the owner of the property regardless of whether the services or activities were requested or not by the owner of the property. All fees are payable to The Nation Municipality. Please find below a list of services or activities available from the Fire Department and their fee. For more information, please see the By-law to impose user fees and charges for services or activities stemming from the Fire Department on the By-laws and policies page.
The fire department can produce letters of conformity for a property. A fee of 80$ will apply for requests to produce letters of conformity to lawyers and real estate agents, fire incident summary reports for insurance brokers, letters of conformity for the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario applications, all other letters of conformity, subdivision plan review. (what’s the process for the request)
On site inspections are performed to evaluate if a space conforms to fire codes by the Fire Department. Residential properties can be inspected at no cost unless the property is used as a rental unit. To find out the fees for each property type, please see the By-law to impose user fees and charges for services or activities stemming from the Fire Department on the By-laws and policies page.
False alarms are calculated within one calendar year. If the fire department is called to the same location multiple times within one year of the first false alarm call, a fee will be applied to the owner of the property.
After 3rd false alarm, a notice requesting proof of a recent certificate of an annual inspection of the alarm system, as prescribed by the Ontario Fire Code within 30 days of the requisition.
Property owners have the responsibility to install a working smoke alarm in each of their properties, to maintain the smoke alarm in an operating condition, provide maintenance and instructions to occupants. Failure to meet these requirements will generate a fire code violation punishable with a fine, as per fees set out by the Provincial Offences Act, L.R.O. 1990.
The Nation’s Fire Department can provide courses on: Fire Prevention, Fire Extinguishers, Evacuations and Fire Simulations. Please contact us for more information.
1 to 10 people : $250.00 + Cost of material
Over 11 people : $5.00 per person + Cost of material
The Property Owner must send an email or letter to the Municipal Clerk stating what part of the charges they wish to have reviewed along with a recommendation as to what the desired outcome of the review should be.
The Nation's fire department makes a point of keeping its citizens well informed. The following section has information on carbon monoxide, fire safety, and car seats.
Farms and rural properties have unique fire risks. Follow these simple steps to help protect your family and your investment.
What is Carbon Monoxide?
Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning:
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Tips
Know The Sound Of The CO Alarm:
What To Do If The CO Alarm Sounds:
Find out more about carbon monoxide through this link
Develop a home fire escape plan today… it could save your life tonight! Learn more here.
Never re-enter a burning building. Once you have safely escaped, call the fire department from outside your home using a cell phone or from a neighbour’s home.
For more information, contact your local fire department or visit these links.
Carbon Monoxide – Silent Killer
The Ottawa Police does not conduct child car seat inspections but we encourage you to register for an upcoming car seat inspection clinic by visiting S.E.A.T.S for Kids, Ottawa Safety Council’s Best Fit Car Seat Program, or by calling Ottawa Public Health Information at 613-580-6744, ext. 28020. For more information on safety, visit the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
Watch the video below for 3 Quick Car Seat Safety Tips, presented by Ottawa Public Health.
Car Seat Information and Installations:
Contact: Jean-Marc Michaud and Lucie Larochelle, (613) 764-3434
If you intend to light an open air fire with a flame base larger than 1 square meter you must obtain a fire permit before lighting the fire.
When completing the application, please ensure that the location of the fire section contains adequate directions to allow an inspection of the site.
Fire permits are $25.00.
Once the completed form is received by the Municipality, a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer will visit the location to ensure that the fire can be lit safely and that it conforms to the terms emitted by the By-Law. Once the inspection is completed, the Officer may issue the permit, or, issue the permit with conditions, or, refuse the permit.
The Officer will refuse to issue a fire permit due to the following conditions:
The applicant will receive a fire permit which must be on site while the fire is burning. Before lighting the fire, the applicant must call 1-888-870-8883 to advise the fire dispatch centre that they will be lighting a permitted fire, the dispatch centre will already have been sent a copy of the permit by the Officer.
Permits can be issued for a duration of up to 30 days. The expiry date will be marked on the permit.
Whether a fire permit is required or not it is prohibited to burn the following:
The burning of ditches, lawns and fields is prohibited. These types of fires are the most difficult to control, pose the highest danger of spreading and the smoke caused by the burning of roadside ditches creates a hazard to vehicular traffic.
The Police Services Act requires that municipalities in Ontario prepare and adopt a Community Safety and Well-being Plan (CSWB) by July 1, 2021. The Nation Municipality’s Council is proud to have adopted The Nation Community and Well-Being Plan during their regular meeting held June 14th, 2021.
The Act outlines requirements for an advisory committee, consultation and establishing priority risks. A CSWB plan must show outcomes and measurables with strategies to meet them. The framework for planning was provided by the Province.
Municipalities are required to engage with partners to develop the plan and are required to consider data from multiple sources across the broad range of issues and factors.
The CSWB plan must include the following core information:
A CSWB plan identifies risks and proactively develops evidence-based strategies and programs to address local priorities related to crime and complex social issues. These strategies can then be implemented.
The vision is to work together to support and promote sustainable communities where everyone feels safe, has a sense of belonging, access to services, and where individuals and families can meet their education, health care, food, housing, income, social and cultural needs.
Developing a Community Safety and Well-Being Plan is about working together to ensure the right services get to the right people at the right time. It involves an integrated approach to service delivery by working with a wide range of agencies and organizations, and to build on the many successful efforts that contribute to a strong sense of safety and well-being in our community.
A Community Safety and Well-Being Plan is about preventive action and identifies areas to promote and maintain community safety and well-being through social development, and proactively reduces risk through prevention programs and activities.
The Nation Municipality’s Council is proud to have adopted The Nation Community and Well-Being Plan during their regular meeting held June 14th, 2021.
The Nation Municipality Emergency Management Plan outlines the municipality’s emergency plan.
The Nation Municipality Emergency Management Plan outlines the municipality’s emergency plan. The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act requires each municipality in Ontario to develop, implement and maintain an emergency management program. This Emergency Management Plan is formulated to assign responsibilities and to guide the actions of key officials after the onset of an emergency.
Please visit the Government of Canada’s website to obtain information that will help you and your family be prepared in case of an emergency.
During the Monday February 28, 2022 meeting, Mr. Ted Darby of TDC Group presented the Fire Department Master Plan to the members of the Nation Council. We invite you to read the plan.