The Nation Municipality has retained McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers Ltd. (McIntosh Perry) to provide consulting services to complete a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for an existing bridge (C001) on Route 800 East. The existing bridge (C001) that spans Butternut Creek on Route 800 East has reached the end of its service life. The Municipality is considering various alternative solutions. At this time, the preliminary Technically Preferred Alternative is to close Route 800 East at the bridge and construct a new road alignment to by-pass the creek on the north-east side.

The study is being conducted in accordance with Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) (October 2000, as amended) process in order to identify and develop a technically preferred alternative solution for addressing concerns related to the existing bridge (C001) on Route 800 East.

The purpose of this notice is to invite you to participate in the Public Information Centre (PIC) for this project. The PIC will present the study process, existing conditions, alternative solutions, identify the recommended Technically Preferred Alternative and provide opportunity for public input and comments. The PIC will be held as follows:

Wednesday, January 11, 2023
St-Albert Community Centre
201 Principale Street, St-Albert, Ontario
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Presentation format)

As per the requirements of the Schedule B MCEA, a draft Project File Report is being maintained throughout the Class EA Study and is available for viewing on The Nation Municipality’s website. The final Project File Report will be made available for a 30-day public review period at the
conclusion of the study.

Project File Report

For further information on this project please contact the following:
Marc Legault
The Nation Municipality
Director of Public Works
3248 County Road 9
Fournier, Ontario K0B 1G0
Telephone: 613-524-2932 ext. 202

Christine Shillinglaw, P.Eng.
McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Project Manager
115 Walgreen Road
Carp, Ontario K0A 1L0
Telephone: 613-714-0794

Pour des renseignements en français au sujet de ce projet, veuillez rejoindre Patrick Leblanc en composant le 613-714-4586 ou par courriel au

Information collected will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments become part of the public record. If you have accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact one of the project team members listed above.

This notice was first issued on December 12, 2022